terça-feira, 26 de abril de 2016

Orgasmos femininos


Nova técnica para aumento resolução imagens (Marte)

"Stacking existing images of the same area, taken from slightly different angles, they produced detailed composites":

As plantas, os priões (da doença das vacas loucas) e a memória


Pedra Etrusca (Itália)


domingo, 10 de abril de 2016

Planet9 "reloaded"

PS. Já tinha lido sobre a origem das "mass extinctions" poderem ter origem na estrela "gémea" do sistema duplo de que o sol faria parte. Esta é outra hipótese. No Daily Star? ;)

sexta-feira, 8 de abril de 2016

CMF e a protecção térmica

"(...) new composite metal foams (CMFs) have excellent thermal protection compared to plain metal, turning armor piercing bullet into dust.

(...) The presence of air pockets inside CMF make it so effective at blocking heat, mainly because heat travels more slowly through air than through metal."

quinta-feira, 7 de abril de 2016

Sobre o Planet9


O porquê das novas leis em França que penalizam o cliente


Citando (EN):
"Parliament has recognized that people — very often minors — turn to prostitution based on their lack of choices or alternatives. A large number of them are also under direct pressure from a pimp or trafficking network.

Common sense assumes that prostitution would be a harmless activity between consenting adults, when in fact, the opposite is true. Poverty, marginalization and violence are growing amongst these young women who are looking to sell their bodies. "

John Doe e o Panamá

“Hello. This is John Doe. Interested in data?” foi a mensagem anónima recebida por um jornalista há bastante tempo atrás. Foi o esforço colaborativo de muitos (e o sigilo) que permitiu o que agora se começa a saber. Interessante:



terça-feira, 5 de abril de 2016

The ‘darker link’ between ancient human sacrifice and our modern world | Science | News | The Independent

The ‘darker link’ between ancient human sacrifice and our modern world | Science | News | The Independent

Citando: "But the priests and rulers who sanctioned such killings may have had another motive, a new study suggests. An analysis of more than seven dozen Austronesian cultures revealed that the practice of human sacrifices tended to make societies increasingly less egalitarian and eventually gave rise to strict, inherited class systems. In other words, ritual killings helped keep the powerful in power and everyone else in check."

segunda-feira, 4 de abril de 2016