sábado, 24 de junho de 2017

Jactos de plasma no sol


sexta-feira, 23 de junho de 2017



quinta-feira, 22 de junho de 2017

Sexo na terceira idade é importante


terça-feira, 20 de junho de 2017

Over 300 New Species Discovered (and garbage) in The Australian Abyss

Over 300 New Species Discovered in The Australian Abyss | Chronicle Day


"Considering that the creatures brought to the surface have been living in freezing temperatures and complete darkness, it is expected that they are a bit grotesque looking.

However, the visual appeal of those species is not the shocking thing. The shock came from the fact that the ocean floor seems to contain a high level of rubbish that has been piling up for more than 200 years. The research team found bottles, PVC pipes, wood chips, beer cans and a multitude of other rubbish. It is hoped that this information will resonate far and will result in the change in collective attitudes concerning the rubbish disposal worldwide."

Outra fonte:


segunda-feira, 19 de junho de 2017

As origens dos fogos de 2003


Report: indústrias e capital natural usado



Resolver Cubo de Rubik com teoria de grupos e música


sábado, 17 de junho de 2017

Medições do VO2 Max


Mulher sem parte de cérebro

E ninguém notou até aos 24... Mais ou menos (só andou aos 7):

2 tipos de EF e a BBFC!


"The ban on female ejaculation in UK porn is based on the fact that the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) considers films which include material featuring “urolagnia” – sexual pleasure associated with urination – as obscene under the UK Obscene Publications Act."

Mais um planeta anão descoberto no SS

Diagrama dos planetas anões já conhecidos. E mais um descoberto ainda sem nome:

"So far, the researchers have worked out that the planet's orbit takes it more than 120 Earth-orbits away from the Sun, and it'll get a name when enough data has been gathered to characterise its orbit properly.

Since just one-seven-hundredth of 2015 RR245's orbit has been observed, it will be a few years before its orbit is known well enough for the object to get a name.

The astroboffins will also be studying the roughly 700 km object to decide whether it's smaller and bright, or larger and dull. That will wait for better measurement of its surface properties."

Estrelas aos pares...

Incluindo o sol: Nemésis.

Sobre Bitcoins e mais...
