domingo, 31 de dezembro de 2017

Salvador Sobral e Euronews

"O canal paneuropeu promoveu uma votação com as figuras do ano e, no campo cultural, o domínio do vencedor da Eurovisão foi avassalador. O português conquistou 63% dos votos, deixando para trás os realizadores do filme sobre Van Gogh, Dorota Kobiela e Hugh Welchman (12%), Kazuo Ishiguro (11%), Adele (9%) e Hito Steyerl (4%).

Além da vitória no concurso musical, Salvador é destacado pelos jornalistas da Euronews por ser um “ativista comprometido“. Nomeadamente com a causa dos refugiados, para a qual chamou a atenção durante a conferência de imprensa dos vencedores da semifinal do Festival Eurovisão, ao usar uma t-shirt com a inscrição SOS Refugees.

Além disso, o canal de televisão destaca a doação dos lucros da venda do seu álbum Excuse às vítimas de Pedrógão Grande, a participação no concerto solidário Juntos por Todos e o facto de ter conseguido, no fim do ano, receber um transplante de coração."

E a pontuação máxima de sempre:


"Amar Pelos Dois conquistou 758 pontos. Seguiram-se Bulgária (615) e Moldávia (374) na tabela classificativa. A canção da autoria de Luísa Sobral conquistou a pontuação máxima do televoto em 12 países e a dos jurados em 18 ocasiões."

sábado, 30 de dezembro de 2017

Ovos de dinossauros na China

21 orgasmos por mês

Como uma maçã por dia?

quinta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2017

Baltic sea normal anomaly

""Possibly these rocks were transported there by glaciers."

The 26ft tall object was discovered by Swedish explorer Peter Lindberg and his Ocean X team of marine explorers during a dive searching for a shipwreck. 

Despite the findings from Mr Brüchert, Ocean X maintain that it is not a natural structure.

Stefan Hogerborn, part of the Ocean X team, said their electrical equipment stopped working when they got to within 200 metres of the anomaly on the Baltic seabed."

terça-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2017

Planos para a NASA nos próximos anos

Parte interessante:
"But would-be space entrepreneurs have run into regulatory hurdles, namely the Outer Space Treaty, signed in 1967, which holds that no country can claim a celestial body, and that governments supervise non-governmental organizations – like businesses – in space. In 2015, Obama signed a law that gave companies “space resource rights”, and earlier this year members of Congress proposed creating an “Office of Space Commerce”. But for now the legislation, like hopes to mine asteroids, remains far ahead of the actual technology."

"“Infinity and beyond!” Aldrin joked to the president in June.

“This is infinity here,” Trump replied. “It could be infinity. We don’t really don’t know. But it could be. It has to be something. But it could be infinity, right?”"

sábado, 23 de dezembro de 2017

10000 em T i a n a n m e n?

A report says so...

quinta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2017

Para onde foi a água de Marte?
"The group began by creating analytical models, based on data from sources including the Martian rovers. That required calculating the details of each planet's mantle temperatures and pressures and estimating their early rock compositions, among other factors. Playing each model forward in time revealed that Mars' smaller size and its increased level of iron would send way more water into its mantle. Earth's more buoyant crust and steeper increase in temperatures at increasing depth in its early history could have further prevented water from reacting with the mantle. The researchers published their results today in the journal Nature."

Embrião com 25 anos?

Movimentos tectónicos

"You may think that plates that sink deep into the mantle just melt -- but in fact, they stick around for a long time and can sink as deep as 3000km, explained van Hinsbergen. The catalogue is "the first and extensive global framework for interpretation of present-day global mantle structure and its physical properties and how that relates to our planet's dynamic evolution of the past 300 [million years]," according to the paper."

segunda-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2017

Fósseis mais antigos?

3,5 mil milhões de anos (início da vida na terra?):

"Prof Valley's team was able to tease apart the carbon-12 from the carbon-13 within each fossil and measure the ratio of the two compared to a known carbon isotope standard and a fossil-less section of the rock in which they were found.

He said: "The differences in carbon isotope ratios correlate with their shapes.

"If they're not biological there is no reason for such a correlation. Their C-13-to-C-12 ratios are characteristic of biology and metabolic function," Prof Valley, said, based on this information, the researchers were also able to assign identities and likely physiological behaviours to the fossils locked inside the rock."

domingo, 17 de dezembro de 2017

Programa de investigação de OVNIs?

Como sobreviver ao Natal (para Vegans)

quinta-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2017

quarta-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2017

Roubar ideias?

terça-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2017

sábado, 2 de dezembro de 2017

Os templários