segunda-feira, 1 de agosto de 2016

Nova teoria sobre o orgasmo feminino

Pode ser um restício da evolução humana, por isso cara leitora, se não o consegue atingir pode considerar-se mais evoluída que as suas outras colegas. Será?

"There are more than a dozen theories about the evolution of orgasms, most proposed decades or more ago. They include arguments that women have orgasms because their reproductive machinery has the same origins as those of men, who need to have orgasms to ejaculate sperm. Others think orgasms are an evolutionary novelty that persists because it helps foster loyal partners. Some have proposed that female orgasms induce physiological changes that increase the chances of conception, but there’s no strong evidence that women who have more have increased fecundity. 
Orgasm itself may have no evolutionary function, but it is derived from a key part of the reproductive cycle, Pavlićev and her colleague propose today in the Journal of Experimental Zoology-Molecular and Developmental Evolution. "

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