quarta-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2017

O nosso antepassado comum?

Tanta coisa e afinal o nosso antepassado comum media menos de 1mm e era um emoticon:
"Meet Saccorhytus coronaries, the species that scientists in a new study believe is the earliest known step on the evolutionary path that led to fish and—eventually—to humans.

An international team of scientists uncovered the microfossils of the speck-size creature they are calling Saccorhytus coronaries in Shaanxi Province, central China. According to their findings, published this week in the journal Nature, Saccorhytus lived 540 million years ago, during the early Cambrian period, when a shallow ocean would have covered the region where it was found. At that advanced age, it is believed to be the oldest known member of a category of animals known as “deuterostomes,” which are common ancestors to a wide range of other species, from starfish, sea urchins and acorn worms to the large group classified as vertebrates (backboned animals)."

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