sexta-feira, 26 de maio de 2017

2017-05-26: Outro filme em que PM participa

Give my Regards to Broad Street (já para não falar de Magical Mystery Tour):

"The last time was in 1984 when the former Beatle, then 42, wrote, produced, scored and played himself in Give My Regards to Broad Street. The musical drama, however, was not well-received. Phrases such as "congenial but dumb" and "a home movie on an amazing scale" were used almost everywhere — except in The Hollywood Reporter.

THR really liked Broad Street, describing it as "a fanciful musical feature that may not whip up teenage fancy but thoroughly entertains." It did concede the film "has the barest semblance of a plot," which is a vast understatement. In the movie, McCartney falls asleep in his chauffeured car, dreams the master tapes for his latest album have been stolen and encounters everyone from Ringo Starr to Tracey Ullman (making her feature debut at age 26) while trying to recover them. The film's action comes from a series of set-piece performances of Beatles and Wings songs that range from McCartney playing solo to Baz Luhrmann-style extravaganzas.

Two years before making it, McCartney told THR that he and John Lennon had tried a couple of times to put a play together, "but it always seemed to fizzle out after three pages." However, he said coming up with 20,000 words about spending nine days in jail for bringing a half-pound of marijuana into Japan in 1980 "showed me I could write." "

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