domingo, 16 de julho de 2017

Rorschach o quê?

'Nearly a century after Hermann Rorschach invented the ink blot test, the controversial assessment has all but vanished from psychiatric clinics. But even if the blots did not live up to their diagnostic promise, they have remained a source of intrigue to some scientists.

Key among the mysteries is why people see so many shapes and figures in the Rorschach blots, and how some of the strange patterns seem to conjure up more images than others. Writing on Tuesday in the journal Plos One, a group of scientists claim to have an answer."

"Rorschach, a Swiss Freudian psychiatrist, came up with the ink blot test in 1921 when he published ten cards, five in colour and five in black and white. The blots were made by pouring ink onto cards, folding them, and pressing them tightly to produce the characteristic symmetrical patterns.

Though Rorschach died a year later, the blots were used widely in psychiatry to assess people’s personalities and mental health. In the Nuremberg trials, Hermann Göring, the founder of the Gestapo, said that blot number tworesembled two men in a “fantastic dance”, while Rudolf Hess, appointed deputy führer to Adolf Hitler, saw in it a cross-section of an insect dotted with blood.

By the end of the 20th century, many psychiatrists realised that they could not read too much into the images people reported seeing. “Today, they are more seen as an indication of a person’s creativity. It’s not saying they’ve got a mental disorder because one person sees a hippopotamus and another person sees a naked woman,” said Taylor."

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