terça-feira, 26 de setembro de 2017

LSD (e não só) estudado


"The scans found the most notable effects in parts of the brain that are known to be important for perceptions, rather than other roles such as language and movement. And while it is unclear how the change in brain activity affects consciousness, the result is what the scientists expected.

“I think people would have the intuitive idea that their experience on psychedelic compounds is a bit more random, a bit less constrained, that there’s a mixing of the senses, and all kinds of connections that are experienced between things that are previously unconnected,” Seth said."

segunda-feira, 18 de setembro de 2017

A evolução da mortalidade (no RU)

A mostrar aos cépticos da Ciência, Medicina e aos que criticam a sociedade ocidental em geral (que é a que mais contribuiu para este evoluir no último século):

domingo, 17 de setembro de 2017

Risco de blecaute?

OMG temos nova palavra no PT e risco de blackout!

O estatístico grego condenado

Quando já julgava ter visto tudo... O tipo que foi contratado para fazer as contas, Presidente de uma comissão independente (como a UE exige aos estados) vai preso provavelmente por ter feito bem o seu trabalho. Mas ter entalado a Grécia no processo. Tem passado a vida em tribunal desde 2010...

sábado, 16 de setembro de 2017

Lavar as mãos com água fria ou a 38 graus?

All the same. Água fria serve tão bem como a quente:

Bactérias no espaço (E. coli)


Posições perigosas


sexta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2017

terça-feira, 12 de setembro de 2017

Caixa craniana e cérebro de pássaros vs. crocodilos


"As the brain grows in an early embryo, the skull closely matches the shape of the brain - the new study shows that the boundary between the frontals and parietals perfectly matches the boundary between the forebrain and midbrain across most vertebrate groups.

By comparing brains and skulls in both ancient fossils and throughout the early life of modern reptiles, the team were able to use the same analytical approach to look at both evolutionary and developmental aspects of brain-skull interactions.

How structures in bodies develop in the embryos have often been found to reflect how those structures changed during evolution. Embryonic humans at early stages, for example, look a lot like embryonic fish, and later in development as embryos of other mammals, betraying our origins on the evolutionary tree.

The development of the skull is a particularly complex process, where hard bony tissues have to interact with many other organs, such as the eyes and brain. Birds' skulls appear to remain proportionally much larger and rounder than those of other reptiles through development, retaining their embryonic characteristics."

segunda-feira, 4 de setembro de 2017

Gasolina com chumbo por tanto tempo - porquê?

Porque havia dinheiro a ganhar (a alternativa não era patenteável). Qual a novidade?

"Better working practices could make tetraethyl lead safe to produce. But was it really sensible to add it to petrol, when the fumes would be belched out on to city streets?

About a century ago, when General Motors had first proposed adding lead to petrol - in order to improve performance - scientists were alarmed. They urged the government to investigate the public health implications.

Midgley breezily assured the surgeon general that "the average street will probably be so free from lead that it will be impossible to detect it or its absorption", although he conceded that "no actual experimental data has been taken"."

IMBH ou buracos negros "fraquinhos"
