terça-feira, 12 de setembro de 2017

Caixa craniana e cérebro de pássaros vs. crocodilos


"As the brain grows in an early embryo, the skull closely matches the shape of the brain - the new study shows that the boundary between the frontals and parietals perfectly matches the boundary between the forebrain and midbrain across most vertebrate groups.

By comparing brains and skulls in both ancient fossils and throughout the early life of modern reptiles, the team were able to use the same analytical approach to look at both evolutionary and developmental aspects of brain-skull interactions.

How structures in bodies develop in the embryos have often been found to reflect how those structures changed during evolution. Embryonic humans at early stages, for example, look a lot like embryonic fish, and later in development as embryos of other mammals, betraying our origins on the evolutionary tree.

The development of the skull is a particularly complex process, where hard bony tissues have to interact with many other organs, such as the eyes and brain. Birds' skulls appear to remain proportionally much larger and rounder than those of other reptiles through development, retaining their embryonic characteristics."

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