quarta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2018

Dinossauros no Egipto (Cretáceo)


Como a África foi feita

Mas não essa África:

Maior onda de sempre?

Maior onda de sempre? Nazaré:

terça-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2018

Redes neuronais e UC?


"Para se perceber melhor a diferença, os cientistas recorrem a uma analogia. «O que a maioria faz é afinar um Bugatti Veyron, um automóvel que, como sabemos, já é bastante rápido, de forma a conseguir boas performances; o que nós fazemos é dar ao algoritmo um conjunto de peças (jantes, pneus, peças para o motor, travões, etc.) e deixar que o algoritmo entenda o contexto da situação, isto é, descubra como combinar aquelas peças de forma a construir um veículo que obtenha uma performance competitiva. Mas nem sequer o informamos que tem de ser um carro», ilustram."

domingo, 21 de janeiro de 2018

terça-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2018

Fundo do mar afunda?


"The report states: “Over 1993-2014, the resulting globally averaged geocentric sea level change is eight per cent smaller than the barystatic contribution. Over the altimetry domain, the difference is about five per cent, and due to this effect, barystatic sea level rise will be underestimated by more than 0.1mm/yr over 1993-2014.”

According to the research, previous estimates of sea level rising in the Arctic Ocean have been inaccurate by a millimetre each year. 

The discrepancy happened because there is such a huge difference between geocentric sea level and barystatic sea levels. 

Geocentric sea levels are sea level as measured from the centre of the Earth and barystatic sea level is the mass of water in the sea. "

segunda-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2018

Why no one has died in a commercial passenger jet crash in more than a year | Popular Science

Why no one has died in a commercial passenger jet crash in more than a year | Popular Science


"While flying by commercial passenger jet was fatality-free globally, the industry did suffer minimal losses. By one count, from the Aviation Safety Network, there were ten accidents involving commercial passenger or cargo airplanes, claiming 44 lives in 2017. (That organization focuses on crashes involving commercial planes, cargo or passenger, meant to carry 14 or more people; it didn’t include the 35 lives lost on the ground during a cargo plane accident in Kyrgyzstan.) By another count, from a Dutch firm called To70, 14 people were killed in aviation accidents in 2017. They focused just on commercial passenger planes heavier than 12,566 pounds at takeoff.

And it’s been a record-breaking 400-plus days since the last commercial passenger jet crash anywhere in the world, according to the Aviation Safety Network’s CEO, Harro Ranter."

Curiosidades científicas: Se estamos mais perto do sol no inverno porque é que está mais frio?

Porque a distância não é tão preponderante como a inclinação com que chegam os raios solares à atmosfera:
We’re three million miles closer to the sun in January than we are in July. So why isn't it hot? | Popular Science

Visão | Testado com sucesso gel à base de explosivo que é 12 vezes mais rápido que o Viagra

Explosivo!!! Mesmo.
Visão | Testado com sucesso gel à base de explosivo que é 12 vezes mais rápido que o Viagra

domingo, 7 de janeiro de 2018

Ray Thomas (Moody Blues)


sexta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2018

Native Americans


"The 11,500-year-old remains of an infant girl from Alaska have shed new light on the peopling of the Americas.

Genetic analysis of the child, allied to other data, indicates she belonged to a previously unknown, ancient group.

Scientists say what they have learnt from her DNA strongly supports the idea that a single wave of migrants moved into the continent from Siberia just over 20,000 years ago.

Lower sea-levels back then would have created dry land in the Bering Strait.

It would have submerged again only as northern ice sheets melted and retreated.

The pioneering settlers became the ancestors of all today's Native Americans, say Prof Eske Willerslev and colleagues. His team has published its genetics assessment in the journal Nature."

quarta-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2018

A terra e a lua a uma distância... considerável


"The OSIRIS-Rex spacecraft is expected to reach its asteroid destination, Bennu, in August 2018
Will map and return samples that might contain organic materials or molecular precursors to life

It is a unique view of our planet from a spacecraft speeding to a rendezvous with an asteroid.

NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft took this incredible image of home from 3 million miles (5 million kilometers) from Earth, about 13 times the distance between the Earth and Moon."

Tripulação mais simpática do mundo?
