terça-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2018

Fundo do mar afunda?


"The report states: “Over 1993-2014, the resulting globally averaged geocentric sea level change is eight per cent smaller than the barystatic contribution. Over the altimetry domain, the difference is about five per cent, and due to this effect, barystatic sea level rise will be underestimated by more than 0.1mm/yr over 1993-2014.”

According to the research, previous estimates of sea level rising in the Arctic Ocean have been inaccurate by a millimetre each year. 

The discrepancy happened because there is such a huge difference between geocentric sea level and barystatic sea levels. 

Geocentric sea levels are sea level as measured from the centre of the Earth and barystatic sea level is the mass of water in the sea. "

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