terça-feira, 31 de julho de 2018

Vaginal rejuvenation what?


Scutoids o quê?


Galáxia vizinha fotografada


"This image taken by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope’s Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) shows a beautiful spiral galaxy called NGC 6744. At first glance, it resembles our Milky Way albeit larger, measuring more than 200,000 light-years across compared to a 100,000-light-year diameter for our home galaxy.

NGC 6744 is similar to our home galaxy in more ways than one."

sexta-feira, 27 de julho de 2018

Estrelas e buracos negros


"Einstein's 100-year-old general theory of relativity predicted that light from stars would be stretched to longer wavelengths by the extreme gravitational field of a black hole, and the star would appear redder, an effect known as gravitational red shift."

quarta-feira, 25 de julho de 2018

A arma que pode ser impressa?

Talvez não (questões de segurança):

Água em Marte...

E muita:

"Depois de uma dúzia de anos de investigação com recurso a um radar, um grupo de cientistas italianos relatou a existência de fortes indícios da presença de água líquida e salgada aprisionada debaixo de uma camada de gelo, com quilómetro e meio, na calota do pólo Sul de Marte. O estudo foi publicado esta quarta-feira na revista Science e apresenta os resultados da missão Mars Express, da Agência Espacial Europeia. As investigações feitas graças aos dados do radar MARSIS (Radar Avançado de Marte para Ressonância da Subsuperfície e da Ionosfera), obtidos entre Maio de 2012 e Dezembro de 2015, vieram confirmar o que há muito se suspeitava: há, de facto, água em quantidades relevantes no estado líquido no planeta vermelho."

Park Solar Probe (NASA)


"Parker Solar Probe deve chegar à coroa solar, a camada exterior da atmosfera do Sol, localizado a cerca de seis milhões de quilómetros da superfície do astro. Mesmo assim, será o mais próximo que alguma vez estivemos do Sol.

A sonda da NASA tem o tamanho aproximado de um carro e vai “mergulhar” na coroa solar para realizar experiências e obter informações sobre, por exemplo, comom é que os campos magnéticos e elétricos têm impacto nos ventos solares, o que faz com que partículas acelerem para o espaço e porque é que a coroa solar é mais quente que a superfície do Sol, explica a Popular Science."

Dados da carga fiscal, IRS, IRC


terça-feira, 24 de julho de 2018

Great Depression - Fotógrafos


3D printed houses


Andrómeda comeu o pequeno almoço.

E o jantar será a Via Láctea:

"The theory is backed up by a massive stream of stars trailing out behind Andromeda, which the scientists believe can be tracked back to this event. And it could help explain M32’s unusual composition, which has remained a source of puzzlement until now.

“M32 is a weirdo,” Bell said. “While it looks like a compact example of an old, elliptical galaxy, it actually has lots of young stars. It’s one of the most compact galaxies in the universe.”"

sábado, 21 de julho de 2018

Tribos isoladas


Quão tóxica é a Lua?


"When the Apollo astronauts returned from the moon, the dust that clung to their spacesuits made their throats sore and their eyes water. Lunar dust is made of sharp, abrasive and nasty particles, but how toxic is it for humans?

The “lunar hay fever,” as NASA astronaut Harrison Schmitt described it during 1972’s Apollo 17 mission, created symptoms in all 12 people who have stepped on the moon. From sneezing to nasal congestion, in some cases it took days for the reactions to fade. Inside the spacecraft, the dust smelled like burnt gunpowder"

Toblerone volta à forma antiga...

... no Reino Unido:

"Toblerone bars will revert to their original shape nearly two years after chocolate-lovers were upset when the number of triangles was cut.

The gaps between the triangles were increased in 2016, as 400g bars were reduced to 360g, and 170g bars became 150g."

quinta-feira, 19 de julho de 2018

Dietas antigas rastreadas em fósseis...


"In the new study, published in the journalProceedings of the Royal Society of London B , researchers analysed 100 archaeological samples from across England, as well as 14 samples from living dental patients and individuals who have recently died.

Dietary proteins were found in about one third of the analysed samples.

Proteins found in ancient dental plaque have already revealed that humans were drinking milk as far back as 6,500 BC."

Chuva de estrelas a pedido?


"A Japanese company which claims it can produce shooting stars on demand has said it will create the world's first artificial meteor shower in 2020."

O sarcófago preto foi aberto


Naufrágio dourado?

"Donskoi packed with gold worth $130 billion discovered by salvage team

The ship sank 113 years ago after the crew scuttled the vessel following Japan's victory"

quarta-feira, 18 de julho de 2018

Simulador de rendimento disponível

O Eurostat publicou esta terça-feira um simulador que permite comparar o rendimento disponível das famílias:

Upgrade do ESO melhora precisão

... das imagens, quase ao nível do Hubble:


Mais um capítulo na história?


"The official history of Earth has a new chapter - and we are in it.

Geologists have classified the last 4,200 years as being a distinct age in the story of our planet.

They are calling it the Meghalayan Age, the onset of which was marked by a mega-drought that crushed a number of civilisations worldwide.

The International Chronostratigraphic Chart, the famous diagram depicting the timeline for Earth's history (seen on many classroom walls) will be updated."

Gravidez juvenil a decrescer no RU

Finalmente uma grande vantagem em tanto tempo na Net:

"A fall in rates of teen pregnancy may be linked to young people spending more time online, on schoolwork and with their families."

terça-feira, 17 de julho de 2018

Diamantes e mais diamantes

A "apenas" 160Km:

""Diamond in many ways is special," Dr Faul said. "One of its special properties is that the sound velocity in diamond is more than twice as fast as in the dominant mineral in upper mantle rocks, olivine."

Unfortunately for diamond hunters, the minerals are buried more than 160km (100 miles) beneath the Earth's surface - far deeper than any human drills have ever reached.

Dr Faul and his team discovered that sound was moving much faster than it could have been expected to within sections of rock known as cratonic roots.

Cratons are the oldest sections of rock beneath that usually lie beneath continental tectonic plates, and their roots - shaped like inverted mountains - stretch up to 200 miles beneath the Earth's surface."

Novas luas de Júpiter (!)

79! And counting...




"A meteotsunami is generated when rapid changes in atmospheric pressure cause the displacement of a body of water.

It often emerges as the forerunner of a thunderstorm and a cold weather front.

Meteorologists speak of an inversion when the air on the ground is cooler than in the upper air layers, which then changes the air pressure causing the meteotsunami together with strong gusts.

Meteotsunamis have also been recorded in the United Kingdom. The first ever officially identified British meteotsunami hit the Cornish coastline in June 2011.
British researchers first became aware of the meteotsunami after people walking across St Michael’s Mount causeway suddenly found themselves standing in water."

segunda-feira, 16 de julho de 2018

Saturn V lançado hoje em 1969...


"On July 16, 1969, the huge, 363-feet tall Saturn V rocket launches on the Apollo 11 mission from Pad A, Launch Complex 39, Kennedy Space Center, at 9:32 a.m. EDT. Onboard the Apollo 11 spacecraft are astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, commander; Michael Collins, command module pilot; and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., lunar module pilot. Apollo 11 was the United States' first lunar landing mission. While astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin descended in the Lunar Module "Eagle" to explore the Sea of Tranquility region of the moon, astronaut Collins remained with the Command and Service Modules "Columbia" in lunar orbit."

Voltar à Lua?


"The last time a person visited the moon was in December 1972, during NASA's Apollo 17 mission.

Over the decades, NASA has planned to send people back to the moon but has yet to succeed.

Astronauts often say the biggest reasons humans haven't returned to the lunar surface are budgetary and political hurdles, not scientific or technical challenges.

Private companies like Blue Originand SpaceX may be the first entities to return people to the moon."

domingo, 15 de julho de 2018

Melhorar em qq coisa: Deliberate practice


"Professor Anders Ericsson is an expert on experts, who studies exactly how people improve at anything.

In decades of research, he has found that just practicing isn't enough - even though his research was the basis for Malcolm Gladwell's popular and oft-cited "10,000-hour rule."

To truly improve, you must engage in what Ericsson calls "deliberate practice."



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A top psychologist says there's only one way to become the best in your field — but not everyone agrees

Shana Lebowitz

Feb. 14, 2018, 2:12 PM 


Professor Anders Ericsson is an expert on experts, who studies exactly how people improve at anything.

In decades of research, he has found that just practicing isn't enough - even though his research was the basis for Malcolm Gladwell's popular and oft-cited "10,000-hour rule."

To truly improve, you must engage in what Ericsson calls "deliberate practice."

As a teenager in Sweden, Anders Ericsson used to play chess against one of his classmates, a boy considerably worse at the game than Ericsson. Every time they'd play, Ericsson would trounce him.

Then one day, the classmate beat him.

Ericsson wanted to know: What exactly had the boy done to improve his performance so drastically?

Though Ericsson didn't realize it then, the question would come to define his life's work.

In the years that followed his defeat at the hands of his classmate, Ericsson found himself less interested in improving at chess and more interested in learning how people improve at anything.

Today, Ericsson is a professor of psychology at Florida State University, where he specializes, among many topics, in the science of peak performance. He is, in other words, an expert on experts.

Anders Ericsson.Anders Ericsson

According to Ericsson's research and logic, the sole reason you aren't a virtuoso violinist, or an Olympic athlete, or another kind of world-class performer, is that you haven't engaged in a process he calls "deliberate practice."

In general, according to Ericsson, deliberate practice involves stepping outside your comfort zone and trying activities beyond your current abilities. While repeating a skill you've already mastered might be satisfying, it's not enough to help you get better. Moreover, simply wanting to improve isn't enough - people also need well-defined goals and the help of a teacher who makes a plan for achieving them.

At first, the teacher gives feedback on your efforts; eventually, you can spot problems in your own performance and tweak it accordingly. Ericsson's research has led him to study expert spellers, elite athletes, and memory champions - and he attributes their diverse successes to deliberate practice.

Most notably, Ericsson's work on deliberate practice formed the basis for the "10,000-hour rule" featured in Malcolm Gladwell's book, "Outliers": Put in about 10,000 hours of practice, and you'll become an expert.

Unfortunately, Ericsson says Gladwell misinterpreted his research and that 10,000 hours of merely repeating the same activity over and over again is not sufficient to catapult someone to the top of their field.

sexta-feira, 13 de julho de 2018

Torres de lançamento de Cabo Canaveral demolidas


"The famous launch towers at the southern end of the Cape Canaveral air force station in Florida, which sent hundreds of rockets into space, were demolished in controlled explosions yesterday.

The two towers, the station’s most conspicuous landmarks, were visible from a nearby beach and watched for more than half a century during missile tests and launches that sent spacecraft to the moon and to Mars."

quinta-feira, 12 de julho de 2018

Origem de neutrinos


"Uma equipa internacional de cientistas descobriu pela primeira vez no espaço profundo uma origem de neutrinos, partículas subatómicas capazes de percorrer milhões de anos-luz e atravessar toda a matéria.

Em dois estudos publicados na revista Science, prova-se pela primeira vez que neutrinos detetados no Pólo Sul em setembro do ano passado tiveram origem numa galáxia elíptica a quatro mil milhões de anos-luz da Terra, que gira em torno de um buraco negro supermassivo e é conhecida como 'blazar'."

sexta-feira, 6 de julho de 2018

Nuvem de Oort e explosão cometa?


"Mr Jäger snapped the incredible picture of the comet in the late hours of July 2 when the conditions were right to see (...)[it].

During eruption, the comet’s brightness momentarily increased from magnitude +12 to +9.

Additional outbursts could make the comet appear even brighter at night in the coming weeks.

The astronomer’s photo caught the moment PANSTARRS’ green atmosphere expanded shortly after the outburst.

Mr Jäger said: “The gas cloud around the comet’s nucleus is about four arc minutes wide.”

This means the green atmosphere spread out more than 161,550 miles (260,000km) in width.

The erupted cloud was almost twice as wide as the planet Jupiter – the larger planet in the solar system.

Comet PANSTARRS was first discovered by astronomers on September 23, 2017, by the PANSTARRS telescope at the summit of summit of the Haleakala volcano in Maui, Hawaii.""


Sobre a nuvem de Oort:
"The US space agency said: “While the planets of our solar system orbit in a flat plane, the Oort Cloud is believed to be a giant spherical shell surrounding the Sun, planets, and Kuiper Belt Objects.

“It is like a big, thick bubble around our solar system.

“The Oort Cloud's icy bodies can be as large as mountains — and sometimes larger.”

The comet’s orbit is particularly interesting because it is coming towards the sun from above, in relation to the solar system."

terça-feira, 3 de julho de 2018

Asteróides vieram de 5 planetas?



The vast majority of asteroids and meteorites are the shattered remains of five small planets that existed when the solar system was newly formed, astronomers have found.

These celestial bodies, which would have been comparable in size to moons, were broken up in a destruction derby of colliding rocks until all that survived were at least 400,000 much smaller lumps.

This model of the asteroids’ history should help scientists to predict when they are likely to pose a threat to the Earth.

In the inner asteroid belt are five large objects — Flora, Vesta, Nysa, Polana and Eulalia — each surrounded by an associated “family” of rocks that appear to have been chipped from its parent body billions of years ago."

Urano e colisão...

Nova teoria tenta explicar a trajetória estranha de Urano:

"A study by researchers at Durham University believe that a collision in the planet's history left it rotating on a tilt - potentially explaining its freezing temperatures.

Uranus is unique among the solar system's planets for rotating on an axis set almost 90 degrees off of the sun's orbital plane, meaning its poles experience 42 years of continuous sunlight and darkness over the course of its orbit."