sexta-feira, 6 de julho de 2018

Nuvem de Oort e explosão cometa?

"Mr Jäger snapped the incredible picture of the comet in the late hours of July 2 when the conditions were right to see (...)[it].

During eruption, the comet’s brightness momentarily increased from magnitude +12 to +9.

Additional outbursts could make the comet appear even brighter at night in the coming weeks.

The astronomer’s photo caught the moment PANSTARRS’ green atmosphere expanded shortly after the outburst.

Mr Jäger said: “The gas cloud around the comet’s nucleus is about four arc minutes wide.”

This means the green atmosphere spread out more than 161,550 miles (260,000km) in width.

The erupted cloud was almost twice as wide as the planet Jupiter – the larger planet in the solar system.

Comet PANSTARRS was first discovered by astronomers on September 23, 2017, by the PANSTARRS telescope at the summit of summit of the Haleakala volcano in Maui, Hawaii.""


Sobre a nuvem de Oort:
"The US space agency said: “While the planets of our solar system orbit in a flat plane, the Oort Cloud is believed to be a giant spherical shell surrounding the Sun, planets, and Kuiper Belt Objects.

“It is like a big, thick bubble around our solar system.

“The Oort Cloud's icy bodies can be as large as mountains — and sometimes larger.”

The comet’s orbit is particularly interesting because it is coming towards the sun from above, in relation to the solar system."

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