quinta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2018

Subida no ranking de expectativa de vida (PT e Espanha)


"The findings add to a study last month which found that adhering to a Mediterranean diet can prolong people's lives.

Spain is one of several European countries to offer tax-funded healthcare, with their healthcare system ranked as the seventh best in the world by the World Health Organization.

Neighboring Portugal was the biggest riser in the top 20, forecasted to add 3.6 years to its average life expectancy and rising from 23rd to fifth. Italy moved up one spot from seventh to sixth."



The top ten

Based on life expectancy forecast for 2040:

  1. Spain (85.8 years)
  2. Japan (85.7 years)
  3. Singapore (85.4 years)
  4. Switzerland (85.2 years)
  5. Portugal (84.5 years)
  6. Italy (84.5 years)
  7. Israel (84.4 years)
  8. France (84.3 years)
  9. Luxembourg (84.1 years)
  10. Australia (84.1 years)"

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