segunda-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2019

Guia para alimentação do Brasil

Linhas orientadoras inovadoras, FFR:

"Food-based dietary guidelines - Brazil

Official name

Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population 2014 (Portuguese: Guia alimentar para a população brasileira2014)

Publication year

Brazil published the first version of its dietary guidelines in 2006. A revised version was launched in 2014.

Process and stakeholders

The development process of the ‘Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population 2014’ was led by the Ministry of Health and the Center for Epidemiological Research in Nutrition and Health of the University of São Paulo (NUPENS/USP), with the support of the Brazilian Pan American Health Organization Office.

The guidelines were elaborated in a participatory manner and in consultation with multiple sectors of the society. In the first stage, a series of workshops to elaborate and evaluate the first draft were held with experts from various sectors including health, education, social protection and agriculture, as well as researchers and representatives of civil society groups (leaders of professional councils and professional associations and members of public policy social control councils and consumer protection organizations). Following those meetings, a second draft of the guidelines was presented for public consultation in a website platform run by the Ministry of Health.

In the second stage, the Ministry of Health and the NUPENS/USP finalized the guidelines, having taken into account the comments from the public consultation."

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