segunda-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2017

Quem diz mais asneiredo é mais honesto?

Quem diz mais asneiredo é mais honesto? Não necessariamente:
""Honesty in our article is mainly about the authentic genuine expression of the self in interactions with others,” Feldman told Mashable. “We did not measure blunt unethical or immoral behavior, and therefore cautioned in the article that the findings should not be interpreted to mean that the more a person uses profanity the less likely he or she will engage in more serious unethical or immoral behaviors.” 
In other words, this doesn't mean that people who swear more are somehow better people than those who don't. This study simply suggests that people who swear more demonstrate more honest language patterns and are less likely to pad their speech with lies or misleading information. "

Esquecer o andar de bicicleta

Afinal o "é como andar de bicicleta" (não se esquece) não é válido:

domingo, 22 de janeiro de 2017

Abstinência aumenta longevidade?

Nas freiras sim, em algumas espécies também:
"Even though the study is yet to be tested on humans, leader of research Dr Michael-Silva believes the same principle can be applied.
He explained: “Nuns tend to have a longer lifespan than women with children and most people know of someone with a maiden aunt who seems to live forever.
“The question is, why? The beetles which mate die sooner than the beetles which don’t mate.”
Not only is the immune system believed to weaken during sex, there is the added risk of contracting an STI."

sábado, 21 de janeiro de 2017


Alternativa ao Nutella (Irlanda)

Aproveitando a oportunidade, empresa na Irlanda tem alternativa que não usa óleo de palma:

"The Wyldsson product still contains 82kcal per 15g serving so while it is still suggested to be enjoyed in moderation, the hazelnut and cocoa spread contains much less refined sugar than its supermarket alternatives, and is sweetened using dates. Its list of ingredients is much shorter than Nutella’s and the product contains hazelnuts, dates, sunflower seeds, cashew nuts and Peruvian cocoa."

Livro recomenda saltar o pequeno-almoço?

Ou ter cuidado com o que se come nele:
"Fast forward to this century, and cabbage soup diets are still used by those in search of the holy grail of weight loss -although, in terms of popularity, they've been supplanted by Dukan, South Beach, the 5:2, Paleo, alkaline and blood type diets, to name a few.(...)
If you absolutely can't survive without your morning meal, Professor Kealey says the ideal breakfast would probably be a boiled egg, followed by strawberries and cream, strawberries having a lower glycaemic index than other foods.
Dietitian Sarah Keogh has a trinity of foods she thinks should make up a healthy breakfast. "It's very good to get the wholegrain in, because we know that it helps reduce heart disease and they have antioxidants and B vitamins.
"Secondly, I would always look to get some sort of fruit or vegetable in there, something as simple as a banana or a few berries. And then some protein - nut butters like peanut or almond are fantastic and some people like an egg in a morning. Seeds are also brilliant, such as a couple of teaspoons of sunflower seeds into your porridge.""

Chegada do homem à Austrália provocou extinção de espécies de maior porte

"From 25-foot-long lizards to 2-ton wombats, more than 85% of Australia's large wildlife died out 45,000 years ago - and humans were to blame "
But researchers have found that shortly after humans arrived in Australia, more than 85 per cent of these 'megafauna' species went extinct.
The researchers suggest that humans may have hunted these animals to extinction - and even if humans killed one mammal per person per decade - it could have caused the extinction of a species in just a few hundred years.

A group of Australian megafauna species during the pleistocene era, drawn by Peter Trusler, an Australian palaeoaritst based at Monach University, Australia.

"According to the researchers, some of the megafauna that roamed Australia 50,000 years ago included 1,000 pound kangaroos, 2-ton wombats, 25-foot-long lizards, 400-pound flightless birds, 300-pound marsupial lions and Volkswagen-sized tortoises.
They used the sediment cores to help reconstruct what the climate and ecosystems were like in Australia at the time.
The sediment core is a type of time record of our planet - it contains chronological layers of sediment blown off from earth and into the ocean.

Around 45,000 years ago, huge 'megafauna' species roamed around Australia.
But researchers have found that shortly after humans arrived in Australia, more than 85 per cent of these megafauna went extinct.
Some of these animals included:
•1,000 pound kangaroos.
•2-ton wombats.
•25-foot-long lizards.
•400-pound flightless birds.
•300-pound marsupial lion.
•Volkswagen-sized tortoises"

quarta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2017

Primeiros meses importantes para desenvolvimento linguístico
"The study is the first to show that the early experience of adopted children in their birth language gives them an advantage decades later even if they think it is forgotten, she said.
''This finding indicates that useful language knowledge is laid down in [the] very early months of life, which can be retained without further input of the language and revealed via re-learning,'' she told BBC News.
In the study, adults aged about 30 who had been adopted as babies by Dutch-speaking families were asked to pronounce Korean consonants after a short training course.
Korean consonants are unlike those spoken in Dutch."

sábado, 14 de janeiro de 2017

A conversa das árvores?

Fóssil reavivado por... chuva?

Rendimento Universal na UE?

Alguns usos da optogenética
"You start by genetically engineering mice to express an enzyme called Cre—only in the neurons that you want to study. Then you inject a virus into their brains that contains a light-sensitive protein, which can only be incorporated into the neurons that have the Cre enzyme. You end up with a very specific set of neurons that are activated when you insert a fiber optic light into the mouse’s brain. And if those neurons happen to control a physical process, like hunting or biting, the result looks a lot like mind control. You can use optogenetics to do other things, like implant false memories into a mouse’s brain or selectively erase them. It’s experiments like these that made optogenetics one of the breakthroughs of the decade in *Science * magazine."

sexta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2017

Zombies podem não estar tão longe como isso (investigação em ratos)

Com tanta coisa boa para investigar olhem só o que foi agora descoberto ao nível do cérebro
"The researchers used optogenetics, a means of engineering specific neurons to fire upon light stimulation, to isolate and selectively activate each set of neurons. When the laser is off, the animals behave normally. But turn the laser on, and the mice take on qualities of "walkers" from The Walking Dead, pursuing and biting almost anything in their path, including bottle caps and wood sticks. "We'd turn the laser on and they'd jump on an object, hold it with their paws and intensively bite it as if they were trying to capture and kill it," says lead investigator Ivan de Araujo (...)"

segunda-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2017

Lua pode ter sido formada por vários impactos (simulação)

"Moon may have formed from flurry of impacts on the ancient Earth.

New computer simulations counter widely-held belief that moon was formed from a single massive collision."


Asteróide similar ao de Chelyabinsk (2013) rasa a terra
"An asteroid as big as a 10-story building has passed by Earth at a distance half that of the Moon, researchers have revealed.
The asteroid, dubbed 2017 AG13, was only spotted only Saturday by the University of Arizona's Catalina Sky Survey.
It is between 50 and 111 feet (15 to 34 meters) long, and when it passed by Earth, 2017 AG3 was moving at 9.9 miles per second (16 kilometers per second). "

Larsen C quase quase...

Já houve o Larsen A, o B e agora é o C:

quinta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2017

Fonte de sinais de rádio descoberta (FRB)

Mais um FRB (radio bursts) detectado, e atribuído a uma galáxia que está... Longinho:

"The first FRB was discovered in 2007, in archived data from the Parkes Radio Telescope in Australia. Astronomers were searching for new examples of magnetised neutron stars called pulsars, but found a new phenomenon - a radio burst from 2001. Since then, 18 FRBs - also referred to as "flashes" or "sizzles" - have been found in total."
"Unlike all the others, this FRB - discovered in 2012 - has recurred several times.
"When we reported last year that one of these objects was repeating, that - in one go - knocked out about half of those models, because for this one source, at least, we knew it couldn't be explosive. It had to be something where the engine that produced this survived for the next flash."
In 83 hours of observing time over six months in 2016, the VLA detected nine bursts from FRB 121102."

Galáxia de ripo raro (Hoag's Object)
"A rarer-than-rare galaxy 359 million light years away from Earth has been spotted by physicists.
Designated PGC 1000714 [paywalled], the galaxy is a ring-shape system orbiting a cooler centre without any connection between the two – a formation referred to as Hoag's Object.