sábado, 21 de janeiro de 2017

Livro recomenda saltar o pequeno-almoço?

Ou ter cuidado com o que se come nele:
"Fast forward to this century, and cabbage soup diets are still used by those in search of the holy grail of weight loss -although, in terms of popularity, they've been supplanted by Dukan, South Beach, the 5:2, Paleo, alkaline and blood type diets, to name a few.(...)
If you absolutely can't survive without your morning meal, Professor Kealey says the ideal breakfast would probably be a boiled egg, followed by strawberries and cream, strawberries having a lower glycaemic index than other foods.
Dietitian Sarah Keogh has a trinity of foods she thinks should make up a healthy breakfast. "It's very good to get the wholegrain in, because we know that it helps reduce heart disease and they have antioxidants and B vitamins.
"Secondly, I would always look to get some sort of fruit or vegetable in there, something as simple as a banana or a few berries. And then some protein - nut butters like peanut or almond are fantastic and some people like an egg in a morning. Seeds are also brilliant, such as a couple of teaspoons of sunflower seeds into your porridge.""

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