segunda-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2017

Quem diz mais asneiredo é mais honesto?

Quem diz mais asneiredo é mais honesto? Não necessariamente:
""Honesty in our article is mainly about the authentic genuine expression of the self in interactions with others,” Feldman told Mashable. “We did not measure blunt unethical or immoral behavior, and therefore cautioned in the article that the findings should not be interpreted to mean that the more a person uses profanity the less likely he or she will engage in more serious unethical or immoral behaviors.” 
In other words, this doesn't mean that people who swear more are somehow better people than those who don't. This study simply suggests that people who swear more demonstrate more honest language patterns and are less likely to pad their speech with lies or misleading information. "

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