quarta-feira, 22 de março de 2017

Só há 3 tipos de consumidores de pornografia

É só um é considerado saudável:


segunda-feira, 20 de março de 2017

Projecção de Mercatore ou não?

Nem por isso. Nos EUA foi abandonada:

quarta-feira, 15 de março de 2017

terça-feira, 14 de março de 2017

Comichão estudada


"They found that a brain region called the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) was highly active while the mice were watching the video.

The SCN is a tiny region in the hypothalamus that controls when animals fall asleep or wake up.

When the mouse saw other mice scratching, the brain's SCN released a chemical substance called GRP (gastrin-releasing peptide).

A previous study by the researchers found that GRP is a key chemical transmitter of 'itch signals' between the skin and the spinal cord."

segunda-feira, 13 de março de 2017

A canção mais antiga do mundo


sexta-feira, 10 de março de 2017

Ai os ETs...

... Num artigo científico sério

quarta-feira, 8 de março de 2017

Pistas genéticas para a morte dos mamutes


Trabalhos de Scarfe para The Wall vão ser vendidos

Os trabalhos foram começados antes da gravação do álbum, foram usados ao vivo e alguns sobreviveram até ao filme (1982):

E mais um estudo do óbvio: melhorias no desempenho no trabalho

... Quando se está de "barriga cheia":

"They came to work happier and more fulfilled, immersed themselves more in the tasks they were given and enjoyed their job more as a result, said OSU’s College of Business professor Keith Leavitt.

He said: “We make jokes about people having a ‘spring in their step,’ but it turns out this is actually a real thing and we should pay attention to it."

Adultos estão a reduzir a sua "actividade" (RU)

"Adults are having sex less often than they were 20 years ago, according a US study based on a survey of almost 27,000 individuals.

Researchers have found that adults, on average, were having sex seven fewer times annually in the early 2010s compared to the early 1990s, and nine fewer times compared to the late 1990s.

The study follows research published by the same team last year which found that the percentage of adults aged between 20 and 24 who had had no sexual partner after the age of 18 had more than doubled between those born in the 1960s and the 1990s, rising from 6% to 15%."

terça-feira, 7 de março de 2017

Fósseis mais antigos da Terra?


"the world’s oldest fossils, dating back some 3.77 billion years (and possibly as far back as 4.28 billion years). The remarkable find, detailed yesterday in the journal Nature, is comprised of a series of microscopic filaments and tubes that researchers believe were formed by bacteria that thrived on iron. If proven true, the fossils would be the oldest direct link to life on Earth—but not everyone is on board with the stunning discovery."

Como é que os animais antecipam a altura de procriar?

R: Melatonina?


"A new study, conducted at the University of Bristol, has identified how animals measure annual time to control seasonal fertility.

In birds and mammals, this process of adaptation is mediated by the release of hormones from the pituitary gland that control multiple functions such as reproduction, the response to stress, and when the animals grow a new coat. The measurement of day length, however, and consequently time of year, is mediated by the hormone melatonin, which is released from the pineal gland during the night. Until now, how melatonin could signal to the pituitary was not understood and has been the subject of a 30-year quest."

segunda-feira, 6 de março de 2017

Casas impressas?

Parece que sim, com custos menores e tempos de construção imbatíveis:

NASA visita mais dois asteróides (missão planeada)

Eis o porquê?

sábado, 4 de março de 2017

Galáxia NGC 1055 e o ESO


Animais, pessoas e sentido de justiça

Até alguns animais têm sentido de justiça. O que me faz pensar no comentário Maurinho: Porque é que algumas pessoas não o têm?

"Humans beings appear to be hardwired to have a sense of fairness.

This is puzzling from an evolutionary perspective, which you would have thought would mean we were predisposed to seek advantage for ourselves and our families wherever possible.

But in fact a sense of fairness is important for humans to be able to help each other.

Human cooperation is based on reciprocal altruism – we help people because they've either helped us in the past or they may help us in the future.

This form of cooperation is only possible when individuals are able to keep track of other individuals' efforts and payoffs – and a sense of fairness helps with this."

Peixe sem olhos...

... e que dorme apenas 2h:

Ai o xixi na piscina!

Socorro! 75 litros dele em média:

Como testaram (citação):
"Scientists tested the sweetness of the water by testing for an artificial sweetener called acesulfame potassium (ACE).

By identifying a compound that was consistently present in urine the team could estimate how much urine was in the water sample.

The sweetener, which is often used in processed foods like sodas, baked goods is chemically stable so passes right through the digestive tract. 

The researchers tested more than 250 water samples from 31 actively used pools and hot tubs in two Canadian cities, and more than 90 samples of clean tap water used to initially fill the basins.

There was 570 times more ACE in pools and hot tubs than in tap water samples. "

Ai os Denisovanos e os chineses!


sexta-feira, 3 de março de 2017

quarta-feira, 1 de março de 2017