sábado, 4 de março de 2017

Animais, pessoas e sentido de justiça

Até alguns animais têm sentido de justiça. O que me faz pensar no comentário Maurinho: Porque é que algumas pessoas não o têm?

"Humans beings appear to be hardwired to have a sense of fairness.

This is puzzling from an evolutionary perspective, which you would have thought would mean we were predisposed to seek advantage for ourselves and our families wherever possible.

But in fact a sense of fairness is important for humans to be able to help each other.

Human cooperation is based on reciprocal altruism – we help people because they've either helped us in the past or they may help us in the future.

This form of cooperation is only possible when individuals are able to keep track of other individuals' efforts and payoffs – and a sense of fairness helps with this."

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