sábado, 4 de março de 2017

Ai o xixi na piscina!

Socorro! 75 litros dele em média:

Como testaram (citação):
"Scientists tested the sweetness of the water by testing for an artificial sweetener called acesulfame potassium (ACE).

By identifying a compound that was consistently present in urine the team could estimate how much urine was in the water sample.

The sweetener, which is often used in processed foods like sodas, baked goods is chemically stable so passes right through the digestive tract. 

The researchers tested more than 250 water samples from 31 actively used pools and hot tubs in two Canadian cities, and more than 90 samples of clean tap water used to initially fill the basins.

There was 570 times more ACE in pools and hot tubs than in tap water samples. "

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