segunda-feira, 4 de junho de 2018

Ai os neutrinos!

Tão difíceis de encontrar:
"Particle physics is hard: the experiment which possibly detected sterile neutrinos collected 15 years' worth of data from its commissioning in 2002, but the results have only now reached pre-press publication at arXiv.

And to the non-expert, the results look indeed tiny: over 15 years, MiniBooNE detected a few hundred more electron neutrinos than were predicted in Standard Model theory.

That, however, brought the MiniBooNE team tantalisingly close to a “result” – it's a 4.8 sigma result, when “discovery” demands 5 sigma.

What's going on?

The lack of interaction makes the sterile neutrino hard to detect – so much so that a single 1990s observation by the now-decommissioned Los Alamos National Lab's Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector (LANL LSND) has never been replicated."

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