segunda-feira, 13 de maio de 2019

Documentário BBC sobre a chegada do homem à Lua

"In the making of 13 Minutes to the Moon, we spent the best part of four weeks travelling around the United States looking for the people who, one day in 1969, had somehow got a man safely to the surface of another world.

In Texas, we found Charlie Duke, lunar module pilot on Apollo 16, and Walt Cunningham, who served as command module pilot during Apollo 7, the inaugural test flight.

In Chicago, we interviewed the legendary Jim Lovell, who orbited the Moon in 1968 on the audacious flight of Apollo 8, and of course later commanded the ill-fated Apollo 13.

The very first of our interviews for the series was with Michael Collins who, along with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, completed the crew of Apollo 11 on the mission that saw human beings land on the Moon for the very first time in the summer of 1969."

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