sábado, 29 de dezembro de 2018

3 missões espaciais para início de 2019


quarta-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2018

Nazaré no NYT


terça-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2018

Dark Sky Alqueva?


segunda-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2018

NASA, o astronauta da Apolo 8 e Marte


""Nasa couldn't get to the Moon today. They're so ossified... Nasa has turned into a jobs programme... many of the centres are mainly interested in keeping busy and you don't see the public support other than they get the workers their pay and their congressmen get re-elected."

Anders is also critical of the decision to focus on near-Earth orbit exploration after the completion of the Apollo programme in the 1970s. "I think the space shuttle was a serious error. It hardly did anything except have an exciting launch, but it never lived up to its promise," he said.

"The space station is only there because you had a shuttle, and vice-versa. Nasa really mismanaged the manned programme since the late lunar landings.""
"In December 1968, Anders, along with crewmates Frank Borman and Jim Lovell, lifted off from Cape Canaveral in Florida atop a Saturn V, before completing 10 orbits around the Moon.

The crew of Apollo 8 spent 20 hours in orbit, before returning to Earth.

They splashed down in the Pacific on 27 December, landing just 5,000 yards (4,500 metres) from their target point. They were picked up by the aircraft carrier USS Yorktown.

It was the furthest humans had ever been from their home planet at that point - and a vital stepping stone on the road to Apollo 11's historic moon landing just seven months later."

domingo, 23 de dezembro de 2018

Novo método para detectar galáxias


"O estudo foi publicado na sexta-feira na revista científica The Astrophysical Journal e através da investigação descobriram-se enxames numa base de dados com 200.000 galáxias, usando apenas um método geométrico."

quarta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2018

5 anos antes de trocar?



"Para Santandreu, os casais devem trocar de parceiro a cada cinco anos. De acordo com sua posição, a monogamia funcionou até agora porque o homem era o possuidor da mulher, que “não levam uma vida como casal”, mas “a vida de um mestre e um escravo”. Sua proposta é uma espécie de conselho de superação feminina que afirma que, se os relacionamentos se transformarem, as mulheres finalmente alcançarão a liberdade sexual:

“Sexualmente somos muito reprimidos, principalmente a mulher. Nós pretendemos viver com uma tremenda limitação sexual. Com este novo modelo longe da monogamia, resolveríamos todos os problemas de ciúme ou dependência. A principal causa de suicídio no mundo é a falta de amor. A falta de amor! Não é perder o emprego ou uma doença grave” …"

Neil Peart (Rush) reforma-se

E já não toca mais bateria:

terça-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2018

Os anéis de Saturno

... vão desaparecer:

Soldier Studies: o livro

O fenómeno dos soldados vestidos de mulher... Num livro:

"Martin Dammann encontrava-se a fazer uma pesquisa sobre a vida dos soldados, quando deparou com centenas de fotografias deste género, compiladas agora num livro intitulado “Soldier Studies”, editado pela Hatje Catz, lançado este mês. Se as imagens não existissem, não acreditaria“, admitiu o colecionador ao Der Spiegel"

segunda-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2018

A constante de Hubble


"A crisis of cosmic proportions is brewing: the universe is expanding 9% faster than it ought to be and scientists are not sure why.

The latest, most precise, estimate of the universe’s current rate of expansion - a value known as the Hubble constant - comes from observations by the European Space Agency’s Gaia mission, which is conducting the most detailed ever three-dimensional survey of the Milky Way."

Galáxia sem matéria escura?


"Van Dokkum and colleagues identified the galaxy, NGC 1052-DF2, using a low-budget setup called the Dragonfly Telephoto Array in New Mexico, which they designed from 48 commercial cameras and paparazzi-style lenses.

The initial images just showed a ghostly blob on the night sky, but by peering more closely at it using the Gemini Multi Object Spectrograph and Keck telescopes they were able to pick out star clusters within the galaxy and track their movements. The team are now turning to look at other ultra-diffuse galaxies to see whether any others are similarly deficient in dark matter."

Objecto a 120 AU do Sol

"A group of astronomers have identified the most distant object ever observed within our solar system.

Provisionally named 2018 VG18, but nicknamed Farout by its discoverers, the body is 120 astronomical units (AU) from the sun. One AU is equal to the average distance from the Earth to the sun, or just under 150m kilometres. The previous furthest known object was Eris, 96 AU from the sun."

domingo, 16 de dezembro de 2018

Hot Neptunes


"The exoplanet, called GJ 3470b, is located near what researchers call the “Hot Neptune Desert” around its host star. Scientists believe that there’s a lack of such planets because they are completely destroyed over time due to their close relationship with the stars they orbit, and GJ 3470b might be the next to go.

One of GJ 3470b’s fellow planets is GJ 436b, which astronomers believe is losing its atmosphere as its star strips it away. Scientists think that 436b will survive the ordeal without being completely destroyed, but 3470b is in a much tougher spot. 3470b is being stripped of mass 100 times faster than 436b, and it’s possible that the planet will be completely vaporized."

Formação de estrelas


"Astronomers were observing a young massive star, known as MM 1a, and the rotating disc of gas and dust around MM 1a when they found a faint, baby star, MM 1b, orbiting MM 1a.

The finding was made using Atacama Large Millimetre/submillimetre Array (ALMA) situated in the Chilean desert. Astronomers used interferometry process to combine the power of 66 separate dishes of ALMA. In this way, they were able to observe the material surrounding both stars for the first time."

quinta-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2018

Sabotagem na EEI?


domingo, 9 de dezembro de 2018

Túmulo com 5000 anos e bactérias da peste?


"A bactéria foi encontrada quando os investigadores estavam a analisar bancos de dados de ADN antigo para casos nos quais as infeções poderiam ter matado vítimas pré-históricas, de acordo com o estudo publicado a 6 de dezembro na revista Cell."

Crânio extraterrestre?


"O crânio pertencia a um coleccionador privado que o adquiriu a um vendedor de rua na Região Autónoma da Mongólia. Quando este coleccionador estava a ler um dos romances de Li Jianmin, percebeu que o crânio era muito parecido com uma das ilustrações do livro.

Foi então que o coleccionador entrou em contacto com Jianmin que passou quatro meses a analisá-lo."

O anel de Pôncio Pilatos?

Governador da Judeia de 26 a 36:

"É de salientar que um anel deste tipo – de bronze e com inscrições gravadas – era característico da cavalaria romana da época, à qual Pôncio Pilatos pertencia. Por outro lado, revelaram os cientistas, o anel é um objeto bastante simples, sugerindo que o governador foi capaz de usá-lo durante o seu trabalho diário ou então poderia pertencer a um dos seus funcionários que o usavam para afirmar o seu nome.

Contudo, os cientistas acreditam que o mais certo é que a jóia tenha pertencido a Pôncios Pilatos, tal como aponta a própria imprensa de Israel."

sábado, 8 de dezembro de 2018

Aonde falhou o sistema de aviso?

... Tsunami early warning was... Too late:

Os enxames globulares

... e o enxame de Coma:

"O levantamento, publicado na edição de 9 de novembro da revista The Astrophysical Journal, permitirá aos astrónomos usar o campo de enxames globulares para mapear a distribuição de matéria e matéria escura no enxame galáctico de Coma, que contém mais de 1000 galáxias.

Dado que os enxames globulares são muito mais pequenos que galáxias inteiras – e muito mais abundantes – são um muito melhor indício de como a estrutura do espaço é distorcida pela gravidade do enxame de Coma.

De facto, o enxame de Coma é um dos primeiros lugares onde as anomalias gravitacionais observadas foram consideradas indicativas de uma grande quantidade de massa invisível no Universo – que depois seria chamada de “matéria escura”."

China e o lado oculto da Lua...


O rato de madeira


"A 9 de Dezembro de 1968, o engenheiro informático norte-americano Douglas Engelbart dirigia um centro de investigação para o aumento da inteligência humana, subsidiário da Universidade de Stanford, e em hora e meia fez perante cerca de duas mil pessoas uma apresentação pública que viria a moldar a experiência humana com computadores e tecnologia nas décadas seguintes.

Durante essa hora e meia, Engelbart e membros da sua equipa, alguns no laboratório a vários quilómetros de distância, demonstraram pela primeira vez tecnologia que é hoje corriqueira, do rato ao hipertexto, passando pela videoconferência e processamento de texto."

Devolução de obras de arte em museus...

... aos países de origem:

quinta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2018

Guias psicadélicos?


Nova teoria de tudo e a gravidade negativa?


"O modelo conceptual do Universo - denominado LambdaCDM - sobre o qual assenta a Física teórica atual postula que a totalidade da matéria visível (galáxias, planetas e todos os corpos celestes e poeiras estelares) representa apenas 5% da matéria e energia realmente existentes, com os 95% desconhecidos a serem classificados como 'matéria negra' e 'energia negra'.

Mas o modelo LambdaCDM não esclarece as características físicas dessa matéria e energia desconhecidas e invisíveis, cuja existência é postulada apenas a partir dos efeitos gravitacionais que exercem sobre a matéria observável.

"Pensamos agora que a 'matéria negra' e a 'energia negra' podem ser unificadas num fluído com 'gravidade negativa' que, em vez de atrair, repele todas a matéria em seu redor. Apesar de esta matéria ser conceptualmente estranha, sugere que o universo tem um equilíbrio, uma simetria entre forças positivas e negativas", diz Jamie Farnes no artigo."


""A nova abordagem parte de duas ideias antigas comprovadamente compatíveis com a teoria de Einstein - massas negativas e criação de matéria - e combina-as. E o resultado tem uma 'beleza teórica' assinalável: 'energia negra' e 'matéria negra' podem ser unificadas numa única substância, gerando uma imagem do universo em que a matéria de massa positiva (a matéria convencional) flutua e 'surfa' num oceano de 'massa negativa'", explica."

quarta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2018

Planet 9 reloaded...

Via Goblin:

astronomers led by Scott S. Sheppard of the Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington revealed the orbital details of the world, which they have nicknamed the Goblin. Dr. Sheppard and his colleagues first spotted the world, which for now carries the official designation of 2015 TG387 as part of a systematic search three years ago for new worlds in the outer system, including the hypothesized Planet Nine. But only with additional observations did they realize how far out TG387 really is"

Números do negócio da música...

... em Streaming. Recentemente e Spotify...

terça-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2018

Manipulação genética de...

... embriões:

"(...) explicou ter recorrido à técnica CRISPR/Cas9, para alterar o genoma dos dois embriões, de forma a torná-los resistentes a eventuais infeções pelo VIH. A experiência foi, segundo He, um sucesso, uma vez que as irmãs nasceram no início de novembro "normais e saudáveis". O objetivo, reforçou, não passa por criar bebés "mais inteligentes, mudar a cor dos olhos ou a aparência", mas, sim, "curar uma doença"."

segunda-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2018

NASA e asteróide de 500m?


"After a journey of more than 80 million miles (130m km), Osiris-Rex is now about 12 miles (19km) away from Bennu, and will get ever closer, going into the asteroid's orbit on 31 December.

Spacecrafts have never before orbited a cosmic body as small as Bennu, which measures at just 500m (1,600ft) across."

Ai o tamanho do coiso...

E um estudo sobre o tamanho do pénis que foi cancelado por falta de dados válidos:

"She tried to do a noble thing, which was to conduct a study into how a man’s penis size is related to his self-esteem and other factors, only to find that the internet responded to her request for pictures (or “dick pics” as the media framed it) accordingly and flooded her with joke images of cartoon characters. She cancelled the study this week, saying the quality of the data had been compromised. I imagine she is royally dicked off."

Sobre as pensões de viuvez


terça-feira, 27 de novembro de 2018

Space: NASA Insight en Marte


"Taken with a clear dust cover still in place on the camera lens, the picture was beamed up from the Martian surface to Nasa’s orbiting Odyssey spacecraft, and from there sent the 91m miles (146m kilometres) to Earth."

O unicórnio Siberiano?


"A study published Monday in the journalNature Ecology & Evolution says that the shaggy creature once roamed among humans, surviving in Eastern Europe and Western Asia until at least 39,000 years ago, around the same time of Neanderthals and early modern humans."

domingo, 25 de novembro de 2018

Tidas as capas da Mad?


Os insectos e os pénis...


"No reino animal, os pénis podem apresentar variadas formas, mas, normalmente, só são encontrados num dos géneros de uma espécie. No estranho caso de uma tribo de insetos encontrada nas cavernas brasileiras e africanas, são as fêmeas que o possuem.

Os insetos da espécie Psocoptera (conhecida como “piolho-de-livro”) foram descobertos por investigadores japoneses há quatro anos em cavernas brasileiras. Desde então,estes animais têm vindo a ser estudados – especialmente o seu órgão sexual"

O espaço, como ele é...

Esqueçam os filmes, isto é como é:
"On Thursday, the European Space Agency (ESA) published a video taken from the International Space Station (ISS) by astronaut Alexander Gerst. The video shows time-lapse footage of the Russian Progress MS-10 cargo spacecraft that launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on November 16. The footage is almost unbelievable as it shows the spacecraft, on a resupply mission to the ISS, arcing into orbit. The camera pans slowly and follows the unmanned Russian craft, revealing Earth’s curvature in epic scale."

domingo, 18 de novembro de 2018

O filme dos Queen...

... e a secção do Live Aid:

sexta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2018

Peso redefinido...



"Representatives from 60 countries voted in favour of measuring a kilogram by the Planck constant, ending decades of definition by a small piece of metal held in a vault in Paris.

Le Grand K, a small cylinder of titanium alloy, has set the standard since 1889. All the scales in the world are ultimately calibrated against it, even those weighing in pounds and ounces.

Although the mother of all kilograms has only been taken out of its protective case four times in the last century, it has lost atoms and therefore mass. 

The changes will come into force on 20 May next year and also affect the ampere, the kelvin and the mole.

The ampere will now be defined by the elementary electrical charge, the kelvin by the Boltzmann constant and the mole by by the Avogadro constant."

O Kg redefinido?


quarta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2018

Furacão de matéria escura?


"Apesar de não conseguirmos ver nem sentir, está para muito breve uma deteção direta de matéria escura, avança uma equipa de astrónomos que desconfia que um “furacão” de matéria escura colidirá com a Terra.

matéria escura continua a ser um dos grandes enigmas do Universo. Não sabemos o que é, mas sabemos que existe. E como é que temos a certeza disso? Os astrónomos sabem-no com base nos movimentos das estrelas e galáxias, que são rápidas demais para a quantidade de massa observável."


"Com o lançamento dos dados do satélite Gaia, no ano passado, os astrónomos descobriram uma corrente estelar, deixada para trás por uma grande galáxia anã esferoidal que foi “engolida” pela Via Láctea há muitos anos. Apesar de ter havido várias deteções de fluxos parecidos na Via Láctea, o S1 (como agora é conhecido) é incomum.

Segundo os astrónomos, a corrente estelar associada à matéria escura move-se como se fosse um riacho. Ciaran O’Hare, físico da Universidade de Zaragoza, em Espanha, liderou uma equipa de investigadores para descobrir o efeito de S1 na matéria escura no nosso cantinho da Via Láctea. O estudo foi publicadorecentemente na Physical Review D."

sábado, 10 de novembro de 2018

Olha que "mocca"


sexta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2018

Buraco negro no centro da galáxia


"ada 16 anos, a estrela conhecida como S2, da constelação de Sagitário, passa a "rasar" por um objeto misterioso, bem no centro da nossa galáxia, a 26 mil anos luz da Terra, e que pesa qualquer coisa como 4 milhões de sóis. Mas este ano ofereceu uma oportunidade única às equipas de astrónomos que tentam provar a sua existência: durante vários meses, a "pequena" estrela fez a sua maior aproximação ao centro da galáxia, permitindo-lhes analisar melhor o comportamento da gravidade em ambientes extremos e colher pistas significativas sobre esse mega objeto."

quinta-feira, 8 de novembro de 2018

Colonização da América?


"A pair of closely related genetics papers, one published in Science and one in Cell, chronicles the movement of the first humans as they spread across the Americas, venturing both southward and northward and sometimes mixing in with the local populations. The third paper, published in Science Advances, shows what happened to one group of migrants who decided to make the high-altitude Andes their home—a decision that sent them down a unique evolutionary path."

Mudança idade em tribunal?


"Ratelband argues that he feels two decades younger than he actually is — doctors told him he has the body of a younger man, he says. While in most cases that compliment is rhetorical, Ratelband is taking a more literal approach. He also says having a younger age on paper would give him a boost in life and on dating apps.

He presented his argument before a judge on Monday."

terça-feira, 6 de novembro de 2018

Construção das pirâmides

... no Egipto:

"Archeologists have spent centuries wondering how the towering pyramids of Giza were constructed thousands of years ago. Now, the discovery of a sophisticated ramp system has put them one step closer to solving the mystery.

The remains of the 4,500-year-old ramp was found at an alabaster quarry -- of the same period -- in an Egyptian desert by a team of researchers from the University of Liverpool, UK, and Cairo's French Institute for Oriental Archaeology"

domingo, 4 de novembro de 2018

A reforma do Kepler (NASA)

O combustível acabou. O que lhe vai acontecer?

"(...) There will be some jostling over the decades. By 2060, for example, the faster-orbiting Earth will have almost caught up with Kepler, NASA officials explained in a new video. Our planet's gravity will then nudge the space telescope toward the sun a bit, and Kepler will move ahead of Earth on a slightly shorter, faster orbit. But in 2117, Kepler will pop back onto its old path after another encounter with Earth. And the cycle will continue.

So a rescue or refueling mission would be nearly impossible, NASA officials have said. Astronauts repaired and upgraded the agency's Hubble Space Telescope five separate times from 1993 to 2009, but Hubble resides in low-Earth orbit, a mere 353 miles (569 kilometers) above our planet. 

Kepler launched in March 2009, tasked with determining how common Earth-like planets are around the Milky Way galaxy. The spacecraft hunted for alien worlds using the "transit method," noting the tiny dips in stars' brightness caused by orbiting planets crossing their faces."

E mais informações:


Portal: beauty of planet


Fotos de Marte (NASA)

Incluindo o Schiaparelli (ESA):

"For 10 years, HiRISE has recorded gorgeous – and scientifically valuable – images of Mars. Its photos are so detailed that scientists can examine the planet’s features at the scale of just a few feet, including the recent crash site of Europe’s Schiaparelli Mars lander.

We combed through 2,054 of the camera’s latest pictures, released in August, September, and October, to bring you some of the best – and hopefully help you temporarily escape Earth."

sábado, 3 de novembro de 2018

As pautas de Glenn Gould em leilão

"Few classical recordings have aroused as much fascination as Glenn Gould’s 1981 take on Bach’s “Goldberg” Variations.

Gould, whose first major-label recording was a classic 1955 account of the “Goldbergs,”rerecorded them more than 25 years later. He then died, at 50, just after the release — leaving the two Bach statements as bookends to his career."

domingo, 28 de outubro de 2018

Simpsonices: questoes raciais

... afastam personagem Indiano:

"Numa das poucas declarações oficiais sobre o caso por parte de Matt Groening - o criador da série -, ou da sua equipa foi através de um episódio. No capítulo No Good Read Goes Unpunished, a personagem Lisa - uma das quatro personagens principais da série -, afirma: "Algo que começou há décadas e era elogiado e inofensivo agora é politicamente incorreto. Que é que se há-de fazer?" Não se referindo à polémica directamente, deixa a crítica ao alegado clima de revisão de conteúdo.

O criador da série, Matt Groening, também já reagiu dizendo sentir "orgulho" do seu trabalho e afirmando pensar que "as pessoas adoram fingir que se sentem ofendidas"."

sexta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2018

Nuvem estranha em Marte


"Since 13 September 2018, the Visual Monitoring Camera (VMC) on board ESA’s Mars Express has been observing the evolution of a curious cloud formation that appears regularly in the vicinity of the 20 km-high Arsia Mons volcano, close to the planet’s equator. The cloud can be seen in this VMC image taken 10 October as the white, elongated feature extending 1500 km westward of the volcano.

A view of the region with labels is provided here.  "

Portugal e a comida (CNN)


Buracos negros duplos supermassivos


quarta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2018

Navio com 2400 anos, intacto?


"Esta descoberta está integrada no Projeto de Arqueologia Marítima do Mar Negro – o Black Sea MAP -, em que uma equipa internacional de arqueólogos marítimos, cientistas e inspetores marinhos explorou as profundezas do Mar Negro para obter uma maior compreensão do impacto da pré-história marítima. Para além do navio com 2400 anos, foram ainda descobertas mais de 60 embarcações no fundo do mar, incluindo navios romanos.

Durante o projeto de três anos, os arqueólogos usaram sistemas de câmaras remotas especializadas em águas profundas para mapear o fundo do mar."

terça-feira, 23 de outubro de 2018

Ai o tamanho dos dedos...

Em média, em média, note-se:

"Em média o gémeo homossexual apresentava uma maior diferença entre o tamanho do dedo indicador e o dedo anelar." (...) "“Os gémeos idênticos , que partilham 100% dos mesmos genes, podem divergir no que toca à sua orientação sexual. Como tal fatores para além da genética desempenham igualmente um papel”.

“Pesquisas sugerem que a sexualidade humana é determinada no útero e que está dependente da quantidade de hormonas masculinas às quais estamos expostos ou à forma como os nossos corpos reagem individualmente a essas hormonas. Estando aqueles que são mais sujeitos a altos níveis de testosterona mais predispostos a ser bissexuais ou homossexuais”."

Icebergs tabulares?

""Temos dois tipos de icebergues. Aqueles que imaginamos na nossa cabeça e que afundaram o Titanic e que parecem triângulos à superfície. Depois há aqueles conhecidos como icebergues tabulares", explicou o especialista.

São icebergues largos, planos e compridos. Separam-se das bordas das plataformas de gelo maiores e começam a flutuar sobre a água como se fossem plataformas independentes. Acredita-se que o icebergue capturado pela NASA tenha vindo da plataforma de gelo Larsen C."

Stephen Hawking - Leilão


Ponte Macau - HK

4h de ferry ou de ponte?

"Com um total de 55 quilómetros - uma estrutura principal de 29,6 quilómetros, uma secção em ponte de 22,9 quilómetros e um túnel subaquático de 6,7 quilómetros - a maior ponte do mundo sobre o mar vai ser inaugurada esta terça-feira .

Esta mega estrutura vai ligar Hong Kong Zhuhai e Macau, reduzindo a 45 minutos uma viagem que atualmente leva quatro horas."

quinta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2018

Two suns tocado ao vivo pela primeira vez

Roger Waters:


O gelo que canta?


"The discovery of the singing ice came by accident.

To learn more about the ice shelf, which floats on the Southern Ocean next to the Antarctic continent, researchers in 2014 buried dozens of seismic sensors under the shelf's snowy surface. But when the scientists set about to analyze more than two years of data collected by the sensors, they discovered that the shelf's rough surface — what scientists call the firn layer— was almost constantly vibrating.

The scientists also discovered that the frequency of the vibrations changed in response to changing weather conditions on the shelf — when the temperature rose or fell, for instance, and when storms resculpted the shelf's snow dunes."

Subida no ranking de expectativa de vida (PT e Espanha)


"The findings add to a study last month which found that adhering to a Mediterranean diet can prolong people's lives.

Spain is one of several European countries to offer tax-funded healthcare, with their healthcare system ranked as the seventh best in the world by the World Health Organization.

Neighboring Portugal was the biggest riser in the top 20, forecasted to add 3.6 years to its average life expectancy and rising from 23rd to fifth. Italy moved up one spot from seventh to sixth."



The top ten

Based on life expectancy forecast for 2040:

  1. Spain (85.8 years)
  2. Japan (85.7 years)
  3. Singapore (85.4 years)
  4. Switzerland (85.2 years)
  5. Portugal (84.5 years)
  6. Italy (84.5 years)
  7. Israel (84.4 years)
  8. France (84.3 years)
  9. Luxembourg (84.1 years)
  10. Australia (84.1 years)"

quarta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2018

One hit wonders

Sobre uma música muito interessante, de uma banda com uma música? You get what you give (New Radicals):

sábado, 13 de outubro de 2018

O menino grávido


sexta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2018

F35 e os problemas


"The United States has spent over $320 billion so far to develop and acquire more than 2,400 fighter jets, according to the GAO report.

Dr. Michael Gilmore, the director of Operational Test and Evaluation at the Department of Defense until 2017, also provided a fairly searing depiction of the F-35 program in his FY 2015 Annual Report. He wrote that it would be problematic to make any commitment to a block purchase of the F-35 before November 2021 because of the technical challenges the program faced, but he did not identify fuel tubes as a specific issue."

Google maps e o divórcio


O azeite e o cheiro?

Em Coimbra: Indoliva (Condeixa)?

quinta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2018

Sobre Carl Sagan


"Called "America's most effective salesman of science" by Time magazine, astronomer Carl Sagan spent much of his career translating technical scientific explanations into something easily digestible by the general public. As a natural teacher, Sagan educated people not only through classroom lectures but also through interviews and television shows. His 13-part TV series, "Cosmos," has been seen by over 600 million people in more than 60 countries. The show was so popular that it returned to television in 2005. [See also our overview of Famous Astronomers and great scientists from many fields who have worked in astronomy.]"

quarta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2018

NASA Dawn Mission (Vesta)

Investigação das origens do sistema solar (Dawb Mission - NASA):

segunda-feira, 8 de outubro de 2018

Cianobactérias e Marte?


"That big switch from photosynthesis to chemical subsistence is intriguing, because while Mars today isn't the sort of place life as we know it could thrive, it was many, many years ago. So, if cyanobacteria on Earth snuck below the surface and found a new way to make a living, does that increase the odds something similar happened with hypothetical cyanobacteria-like organisms on Mars?"

domingo, 7 de outubro de 2018

Saramago: talento vs trabalho?


"Durante anos, pouco ou nada publicou, durante anos, era um escritor – quando o foi – muito pouco conhecido e, de repente, depois de chegar à página 20 do ‘Levantado do Chão’, volta atrás e, por uma qualquer intuição, começa a escrever como depois foi escrevendo”, conta, em entrevista à agência Lusa, o professor catedrático da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra Carlos Reis, autor de “Diálogos com Saramago”, livro que resulta de uma longa conversa com o Nobel da Literatura, em 1997, em Lanzarote, antes de o escritor receber o prémio"

Missões da ESA para estudo de exoplanetas

Cheops, Platão (adjudicada agora), Ariel (2028):

"A missão Platão, da Agência Espacial Europeia, destinada a encontrar e estudar planetas fora do sistema solar, entrou na fase industrial, com a assinatura de um contrato para construção de um satélite, por um consórcio liderado pela empresa alemã OHB Systems."

sábado, 6 de outubro de 2018

Carta de Galileu e a Inquisição


Melhores livros sobre o espaço?


A história de Baikonur

... O cosmódromo no Casaquistão, usado pela Rússia e de onde os astronautas Americanos partem para o espaço:

sexta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2018

Silence Becomes It - 20 anos


quarta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2018

Gestão da... Distribuição

Ou... Não gestão?

terça-feira, 2 de outubro de 2018

Livros para aprender sobre o espaço


Portal sobre o espaço em PT


Localizado aqui:

sexta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2018

Missão japonesa a asteróide

Colocou dois Rovers na superfície com sucesso:

Ética e software?

A obediência foi estudada há muito. E tornou-se mais uma vez notícia quando empresas como o FB (ou os fabricantes de carros) falharam na parte ética:

"Milgram (1963) was interested in researching how far people would go in obeying an instruction if it involved harming another person. He set up his first experiment in July 1961, a year after the trial of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem. At first he wanted to investigate whether Germans were particularly obedient to authority figures, as this was a common explanation for the Nazi killings in World War II. But he soon discovered all people responded the same way.


In his first experiments, volunteers were introduced to another participant (who was in on the experiment). Their roles were defined by drawing straws (even though this was fixed). The volunteer would always be the teacher and the confederate would always be the learner.

They were then both taken to separate rooms, the learner would then be strapped to an electric chair and ordered to learn a list of word pairs. The teacher, positioned in a room with an electric shock generator,  would then test the learner by naming a word and asking the learner to recall its pair. The learner was primed to give mainly wrong answers. The teacher was instructed to give an electric shock for every mistake and to increase the shock level with each error (note: no real shock were giving, merely the illusion that the teachers were giving shocks). The range of shocks started at 15V and led up to 450V. When the teacher refused to administer a shock, the experimenter was to give a series of orders to ensure they continued."


"The strongest base to start making a company more ethical is to start with the individual. Companies become ethical one person at a time, one decision at a time. We all want to be seen as good people, known as our moral identity, which comes with the responsibility to have to act like it, even as our memories of our less ethical doings will fade over time.

We have to believe that doing the right thing is the only option. Luckily ethics comes with strong emotions like guilt, fear, regret and pride. Learning to recognise and not ignore these emotions helps build the self-belief to act and strengthen that inner compass.

On Speaking Up

Last but not least, if something needs to change, you need to speak up. If you see something that is going wrong, it is time to be brave and say something. Decide whether you will speak to your boss, your team lead or an advisory function (compliance or human resource). Talk to your personal network for support and guidance. "

Jam com Vai...

E Nuno e Dweezil:


quarta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2018

Mapa das células?


"The National Institutes of Health’s Human BioMolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP)issued its first set of research funding awards to develop an open, global framework that will support research community efforts to map the adult human body at the level of individual cells. (...)

Through the research awards, HuBMAP investigators will:

Generate, standardize, and validate extensive data sets on cell organization and variability using existing technologies;

Develop new tools and techniques to construct high-resolution tissue maps; and

Coordinate program activities, manage HuBMAP data, and build an atlas of tissue maps."

CRISPR e exterminação?


Scientists Wiped Out a Mosquito Population by Hacking Their DNA With CRISPR

For their study, published Monday in the journal Nature Biotechnology, the researchers used CRISPR to modify the gene responsible for determining sex in 150 male mosquitoes. That alteration made the male gene dominant — the idea was, over time, that the population would stop producing females, driving them to collapse.

The researchers added these genetically altered mosquitoes to a caged population of 450 unaltered male and female mosquitoes to reproduce with them. The hack worked: Subsequent generations of females exhibited male and female characteristics, couldn’t bite, and couldn’t lay eggs. By the eighth generation, there were no longer any females in the population at all.


This is the first time scientists have seen a gene drive effectively suppress an entire population.

But knowing that the technology works is only one part of the battle. We also need to figure out whether it could cause any unintended side effects if it’s unleashed outside the lab."

segunda-feira, 24 de setembro de 2018

Paul Simon retira-se


sexta-feira, 21 de setembro de 2018

TESS, Kepler e os exoplanetas (NASA)


"TESS images a single area for roughly a month before moving on to the next. Over the course of a year, this will allow it to capture most of the sky in a single hemisphere; it will switch to the other hemisphere for its second year of observations. Should the hardware still be operational at the two-year mark, it will have imaged most of the sky, and a similar cycle will likely start again.

This cadence creates some trade offs. If a planet's orbit is such that it doesn't pass in front of its star during the month TESS happens to be pointing that way, we'll miss it (unless it's part of the small overlap between separate areas). This will bias us toward finding planets with short orbital periods, where a transit is guaranteed to happen whenever TESS gets around to pointing at it. Short enough orbits mean we can observe multiple transits during that month, confirming the planet's existence without the need for follow-on observations."

Fóssil Animal recordista?

Mais antigo:

"The Dickinsonia, an animal with an oval body that could grow to more than 4 feet in length, lived 558 million years ago, according to research published Friday in the journal Science. The now-extinct animal probably lived in warm shallow seas possibly alongside other squishy Ediacaran critters, National Geographic reports. 

For more than 75 years, scientists have been fighting over what a Dickinsonia really was, said Australian National University associate professor Jochen Brocks, who was involved in the research. Was it an amoeba or an animal? Evolution gone wrong? Or maybe a plant?"

quinta-feira, 20 de setembro de 2018

quarta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2018

Estrela de neutrões, Infra-vermelhos e Hubble


"The discovery indicates two possibilities according to the scientists. One theory is that there is a disc of dust surrounding the neutron star and the other has to do with a strong wind coming off the neutron star and hitting gas in interstellar space that the star is moving through. The neutron star in question is called RX J0806.4-4123."

quinta-feira, 13 de setembro de 2018

Reacções das plantas aos ataques


"The messages start at the point of attack, where glutamate initiates a wave of calcium that propagates through the plant’s veins, or plumbing system. The deluge turns on stress hormones and genetic switches that open plant arsenals and prepare the plant to ward off attackers — with no thought or movement.

Like animals, plants are eukaryotes — multicellular organisms — that split from a common ancestor called Luca billions of years ago. To survive, we all sense threats, relay messages about them within our bodies or tissues and respond to these challenges. Our actions vary, adapted for the lifestyles we maintain in different environments, but much of our basic cellular machinery is the same. Biology kept it that way: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

One mechanism our cells share is fluctuating levels of calcium ions, which carry an electrical charge. In humans, this charge assists in controlling when your neurons fire messages. Changes in calcium ions make your heart beat or your muscles contract so you can get up and leave when something threatens you.

Plants, obviously, can’t run away. But researchers knew that genes that make receptors kind of like those for glutamate initiate electrical signals that travel through plants after being wounded. They turn on genes elsewhere in the plant, allowing them to respond."

quarta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2018

Saúde mental e música


""Some ways of coping with negative emotion, such as rumination, which means continually thinking over negative things, are linked to poor mental health. We wanted to learn whether there could be similar negative effects of some styles of music listening," explains Emily Carlson, a music therapist and the main author of the study.

Participants were assessed on several markers of mental health including depression, anxiety and neuroticism, and reported the ways they most often listened to music to regulate their emotions. Analysis showed that anxiety and neuroticism were higher in participants who tended to listen to sad or aggressive music to express negative feelings, particularly in males. "This style of listening results in the feeling of expression of negative feelings, not necessarily improving the negative mood," says Dr. Suvi Saarikallio, co-author of the study and developer of the Music in Mood Regulation (MMR) test."

Ultrassons a 100€?


"Engineers have developed a new ultrasound transducer, or probe, that could dramatically lower the cost of ultrasound scanners to as little as $100. Their patent-pending innovation -- no bigger than a Band-Aid -- is portable, wearable and can be powered by a smartphone."

terça-feira, 11 de setembro de 2018

Metástases e mutações comuns


"A tumor composed of billions of cells is riddled with genetic mutations; cancer cells and normal cells acquire multiple mutations as they divide. Identifying the driver mutations that significantly contribute to cancer development is critical to precision oncology, in which doctors aim to treat a patient's cancer based on its genetic composition.

"Doctors might take a sample of the primary tumor and find some mutation -- call it mutation X -- in a driver gene and then treat it with a drug that targets that driver gene to specifically kill all cells that have mutation X," Reiter said. "But what if that particular mutation is only present in some of the metastases of the patient?" Only the metastases composed of cells with mutation X would respond to treatment and shrink or go extinct; those without mutation X would continue to grow. In the end, the doctor wouldn't see a remission of the patient's cancer if driver mutations were different across its metastases. "So that's why it's very important for us to know whether or not the driver gene mutations are the same across all metastases of the patient," Reiter said."

Mapa detalhado da Antártida

"REMA "provides the first high-resolution, high-accuracy terrain dataset of approximately 98% of the contiguous continental land mass of Antarctica, extending [from the South Pole] to 88°S," the project website states.

The map, built with data extracted from satellite imagery, is not just static. Ongoing input will provide scientists with the most detailed overview of shifting landscape patterns in Antarctica ever—from changes in snow cover, ice flow, glacier thickness, and all manner of geological activity."

segunda-feira, 10 de setembro de 2018

Novos peixes?

A 7000m de profundidade:

"The Hadal Trenches are one of the last great frontiers in marine science and the deepest places on Earth.

Mostly located around the Pacific rim in areas where tectonic plate collide and plunge, the seafloor reaches depths close to 11,000 metres (~7 miles) in some areas.

The Atacama Trench, a trench almost 6000 km long and more than 8000 m deep, runs along the west coast of South America.

Newcastle University scientists and engineers have been pioneering technology for the exploration of these ultra-deep environments for the last five years and have to date completed nearly 250 deployments of their novel 'lander' systems.

Using two full-ocean depth (11,000 m) capable landers equipped with HD cameras and traps the Newcastle team assessed the animals found within the trench."

Ganhar 14 vezes a lotaria?

A fórmula do economista que ganhou 14 vezes a lotaria foi revelada

sábado, 8 de setembro de 2018

Andromeda mais pequena do que se pensava


"Both the Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxy (M31) are giant spiral galaxies in our local universe. And in about 4 billion years, the Milky Way and Andromeda will collide in a gravitational sumo match that will ultimately bind them forever. 

Because astronomers previously thought that Andromeda was up to three times as massive as the Milky Way, they expected that our galaxy would be easily overpowered and absorbed into our larger neighbor. But now, new research suggests we’ve overestimated our opponent. 

In a study published today in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, a team of Australian astronomers announced that Andromeda is not actually the heavyweight we once thought it was. Instead, they found that our nearest galactic neighbor is more or less the same mass as the Milky Way — some 800 billion times the mass of the Sun. 

To determine the heft of the Andromeda galaxy, the team used a technique that calculates the speed required for a quick-moving star to escape the gravitational pull of its host galaxy. This required speed needed for ejection is known as an object’s escape velocity

“When a rocket is launched into space, it is thrown out with a speed of [6.8 miles per second (11 kilometers per second)] to overcome the Earth’s gravitational pull,” said Prajwal Kafle, an astrophysicist from the University of Western Australia branch of the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research, in a press release. “Our home galaxy, the Milky Way, is over a trillion times heavier than our tiny planet Earth, so to escape its gravitational pull, we have to launch with a speed of [342 miles per second (550 kilometers per second)]. We used this technique to tie down the mass of Andromeda.” 

This is not the first time a galaxy’s weight has been recalculated based on analyzing the escape velocities of objects within it. In 2014, Kafle used a similar technique to revise down the mass of the Milky Way, showing that our galaxy has much less dark matter — a mysterious form of matter that has gravity but does not interact with light — than previously thought."

sexta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2018

Salvar o mundo?


"The problems we face are structural: a political system captured by commercial interests, and an economic system that seeks endless growth. Of course we should try to minimise our own impacts, but we cannot confront these forces merely by “taking responsibility” for what we consume. Unfortunately, these are issues that the BBC in general and David Attenborough in particular avoid. I admire Attenborough in many ways, but I am no fan of his environmentalism. For many years, it was almost undetectable. When he did at last speak out, he avoided challenging power – either speaking in vague terms or focusing on problems for which powerful interests are not responsible. This tendency may explain Blue Planet’s skirting of the obvious issues."

quinta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2018

Ventos em galáxias?


"ALMA was able to pin down the effect in the galaxy known as SPT2319-55 using gravitational lensing, the process by which gravity bends light and in doing so magnifies events that would otherwise be impossible to observe using existing technology.

This technique has previously allowed scientists to identify planets far beyond the Milky Way for the first time."

quarta-feira, 5 de setembro de 2018

A última imagem da Cassini

... mesmo:

Paul Simon e os sonhos


"On what's going through his mind these days

"What I'm really interested in on a personal level are my dreams. I have a long history, really going back to like when I'm four, of violence dreams. Those dreams, they got so intense a few years ago that I took a trip down to Brazil to see this healer, John of God.""

terça-feira, 4 de setembro de 2018

Impressora 3D de... Metal?


"Unlike conventional metals, bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) have a super-cooled liquid region in their thermodynamic profile and are able to undergo continuous softening upon heating—a phenomenon that is present in thermoplastics, but not conventional metals. Prof. Schroers and colleagues have thus shown that BMGs can be used in 3-D printing to generate solid, high-strength metalcomponents under ambient conditions of the kind used in thermoplastic 3-D printing.

The new work could side-step the obvious compromises in choosing thermoplastic components over metal components, or vice-versa, for a range of materials and engineering applications. Additive manufacturing of metal components has been developed previously, where a powder bed fusion process is used, however this exploits a highly-localized heating source, and then solidification of a powdered metal shaped into the desired structure. This approach is costly and complicated and requires unwieldy support structures that are not distorted by the high temperatures of the fabrication process."

As auroras de Saturno (Hubble)


"Astronomers using the ESA Hubble Space telescope took a series of shots using ultraviolet light, resulting in composites that show a wider range of light than humans can see with the naked eye.

NASA described them as "the most comprehensive picture so far of Saturn’s Aurora Borealis".

The images were taken last year over a period of seven months, as the Hubble's Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph allowed scientists to monitor the behaviour of the auroras for an extended period."

O hexágono de Saturno (Cassini)



"The long-lived international Cassini mission has revealed a surprising feature emerging at Saturn's northern pole as it nears summertime: a warming, high-altitude vortex with a hexagonal shape, akin to the famous hexagon seen deeper down in Saturn's clouds. This suggests that the lower-altitude hexagon may influence what happens up above, and that it could be a towering structure spanning hundreds of kilometres in height."

Um tiro no porta-aviões

Não, um tiro na corveta:


segunda-feira, 3 de setembro de 2018

Museu nacional brasileiro ardeu


quinta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2018

Neil Young, Young.

Casou de novo aos 72:

quarta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2018

Oldest galaxies and the re-ionization period


"Atoms started forming from protons and electrons a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang. The resulting gas cooled, creating stars, but the stars didn’t last long. They exploded in huge supernovae, sending energy out into space. This split the atoms back up once again, “re-ionizing” them. It’s unclear when the first stars started to form or when re-ionization started, but they’re important periods in the Universe’s history, because they set the ball rolling to create the galaxies we see today."

The most widely accepted model says that galaxies are actually visible gas and dust coalescing inside larger haloes of a yet-to-be explained kind of mass called dark matter. Galaxies began forming with the first stars, but during the re-ionization period, astronomers think that temperatures rose too high, halting further galactic growth. Only at some later period, when large-enough dark matter halos coalesced, would the galaxy formation process pick up again."

Formação de estrelas em galáxia

... 1000 vezes mais rápida que na Via Láctea:

"The “Monster Galaxy”, also known as COSMOS-AzTEC-1, formed just 2 billion years after the Big Bang, and it turns more than a thousand Suns worth of gas into stars each year. Scientists still don’t understand these early galaxies very well, but now they have some new information that can shed light on why they form stars so blisteringly fast."

Um bosão de Higgs quando decai...

Torna-se o quê?

"CERN say they have observed the Higgs boson decay into b quarks. The finding provides major support for the Standard Model, which has many implications for how we understand the world and the universe. "The Higgs boson is the least well-known and in many ways the most baffling particle in the standard model.  Observing its decay to bottom quarks is a major milestone in our understanding of its properties," "

Conceito novo de aceleração de partículas

... testado com sucesso no CERN:

"AWAKE, which stands for "Advanced WAKEfield Experiment", is a proof-of-principle R&D project investigating the use of protons to drive plasma wakefields for accelerating electrons to higher energies than can be achieved using conventional technologies. Traditional accelerators use what are known as radio-frequency (RF) cavities to kick the particle beams to higher energies. This involves alternating the electrical polarity of positively and negatively charged zones within the RF cavity, with the combination of attraction and repulsion accelerating the particles within the cavity. By contrast, in wakefield accelerators, the particles get accelerated by "surfing" on top of the plasma wave (or wakefield) that contains similar zones of positive and negative charges.

Plasma wakefields themselves are not new ideas; they were first proposed in the late 1970s. "Wakefield accelerators have two different beams: the beam of particles that is the target for the acceleration is known as a 'witness beam', while the beam that generates the wakefield itself is known as the 'drive beam'," "


Matrix, novos filmes? Parece que sim...

domingo, 26 de agosto de 2018



Lutos nas transições?


XYZ what?


sexta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2018

O horóscopo do...

... sexo. Esta é nova:

quinta-feira, 23 de agosto de 2018

Cohen e Trump

Como os amigos deixam se ser bons amigos... Ou se calhar eram amigos da onça. Cohen declara-se culpado à frente de um Tribunal cheio de gente. Os detalhes todos:

quarta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2018

Levantamentos a partir de 50 mil euros vão dar alerta no Fisco – Observador

Levantamentos a partir de 50 mil euros vão dar alerta no Fisco – Observador

2018-08, MONEY, PT,

Sobre as conspirações em geral...

E a QAnon em particular:

"Conspiracies take off because the world is complex and people like things to make sense, according to Brooke Binkowski, former managing editor at the fact-checking website Snopes.com, which frequently debunks online theories.

“Conspiracy theories offer a neat package that wrap up all these events,” she says."

terça-feira, 21 de agosto de 2018

Gelo na lua


Steve e auroras?


"Led by Bea Gallardo-Lacourt, a space scientist at the University of Calgary, the new study focuses on a Steve sighting that occurred on March 28, 2008. This appearance was fortuitously chronicled by the ground-based component of NASA’s THEMIS mission (called All‐Sky Imagers), as well as NOAA’s Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellite (NOAA-17), which was overhead as Steve shone"(...)"Light from auroras is caused by particle precipitation, which occurs when high-energy charged particles cascade into the upper atmosphere along Earth’s magnetic field lines. No such high-energy precipitation was observed from the 2008 event. While there was an observed flux of lower-energy particles, that does not explain the vibrancy of Steve’s luminosity and color. By combing through data captured from above and below the purple and green ribbon, the authors concluded that the “skyglow could be generated by a new and fundamentally different mechanism in the ionosphere.”"

Genesis em Hollywood Bowl


"Flashback: Genesis Wrap Up Their Reunion Tour With a Peter Gabriel-Era Classic

But right before they played the final song at the last night of their Turn It On Again reunion tour in 2007, Phil Collins addressed the crowd and spoke from the heart.

“As we stand here right now there is nothing else planned, so that adds a lot more emotion to this evening than this being the last show of the last tour,” Collins told the audience at the Hollywood Bowl. “I’m 56. I joined this band when I was 19, so you can work that out. But Tony [Banks] and Mike [Rutherford] were already in it and they’re older than me. So this is very much a family group. We grew up together. I’ve never said it privately or publicly, but Tony I love you. Mike, I love you too. Now being British, we’re going to carry on with things. That’s enough of that.”

As they did every night of the tour, they then wrapped up the night not with one of their big 1980s pop hits, but rather with “The Carpet Crawlers” from their 1974 prog rock magnum opus The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway. "

Tipologias de escritórios e stress?


"Refined, bleached and deodorized, or R.B.D., coconut oil, which has been treated with solvents and subjected to intense heat, raises cholesterol so reliably that scientists have used it as a control when running experiments on different fats. The harsh processing may destroy some of the good essential fatty acids and antioxidants, such as lauric acid, a medium chain fatty acid believed to raise good H.D.L. cholesterol.

“If you’re going to use coconut oil, make sure you get virgin oil,” Dr. Brenna said. “And, of course, everything in moderation.”"

Mudanças no tipo de sangue?


"The discovery is enzymes from gut bacteria that can efficiently turn type-A human blood into type-O.

Type-O blood is special because it can be donated to anyone without the risk of a bad mismatch reaction.

The researchers, from the University of British Columbia, say clinical trials of the treatment could begin soon.

The gut bug enzymes remove markers from the surface of the donor red blood cells present in type A but not in type O.

Stripping them away means the recipient's immune system will think the donor type-A blood is type-O and will not attack it for being "foreign"."

O som do silêncio?

Não, o som do sexo:

"I wanted to take a closer look at what I might be missing out on. Are humans actually predisposed to being screamers, and if so, what is the purpose of all the noise?
Lorraine McCune has been studying the grunt at Rutgers University since 1987. She explained that the grunt is a physiological response to exertion, an epiphenomenon occurring when the body needs more oxygen.
What happens, more or less, is this: “Under conditions of metabolic demand, activation of the intercostal muscles to maintain lung inflation during expiration sets in motion reflex contraction of laryngeal muscles, creating a system under pressure that lengthens the expiration phase of the breath and enhances oxygenation of the blood. Expiration against the constricted glottis produces pulses of sound.”
Translation: In the right circumstances, the sound just happens.
McCune went on to explain that tennis players often grunt when they hit a ball off their racket and that trying to stop the sound can actually hurt their game. “When you squash the grunt,” she said, “you’re having to use energy that you could have used for your stroke to suppress a vocalization.”
There is even a study that proves McCune’s point. Researchers from the University of Nebraska Omaha found that professional players increase the ball’s velocity by 3.8% if they grunt while taking their shot."

Novos tipos de colonialismos?


"At the end of a five-day visit in Beijing, Malaysia’s new leader, Mahathir Mohamad, said on Tuesday that he was halting two major Chinese-linked projects, worth almost $16 billion together, amid accusations that Mr. Najib’s government knowingly signed bad deals with China to bail out a graft-plagued state investment fund and bankroll his continuing grip on power.

His message throughout his meetings with officials, and in public comments, has been unambiguous.

“We do not want a situation where there is a new version of colonialism happening because poor countries are unable to compete with rich countries,” Mr. Mahathir said on Monday at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing after meeting with Premier Li Keqiang."

segunda-feira, 20 de agosto de 2018

O meu pulmão de ferro (polio)?


"Randolph, who was able to live without the iron lung until her symptoms worsened in the late 70s, cannot climb into the machine by herself, and has to be put in her pajamas by husband Mark, and then loaded into a sling that hoists her from her bed over to the machine, The Kansas City Star reported.Then someone has to adjust her blankets to ensure she is not cold, and turn on the machine before the process is repeated in reverse the following morning.

If a piece of the machine malfunctions, Mark, a software engineer, or her cousin, a former aircraft mechanic, work on the repairs, Gizmodo reported. Mark told the news outlet that running the machine and associated repairs cost about the same as buying a new car each year.

“The ‘yellow submarine’ is my necessary trusted, mechanical friend,” she previously told Gizmodo. “I approach it with relief in store at night and thankfully leave it with relief in the morning.”"

E o milhar de milhão chato?

Conhecem? (Boring Billion)
Infografia com a evolução da vida na terra:

""Combining fossil and genomic information, we can use an approach called the 'molecular clock' which is loosely based on the idea that the number of differences in the genomes of two living species (say a human and a bacterium) are proportional to the time since they shared a common ancestor."

By making use of this method the team at Bristol and Mark Puttick from the University of Bath were able to derive a timescale for the history of life on Earth that did not rely on the ever-changing age of the oldest accepted fossil evidence of life.

Co-author Professor Davide Pisani said: "Using this approach we were able to show that the Last Universal Common Ancestor all cellular life forms, 'LUCA', existed very early in Earth's history, almost 4.5 Billion years ago—not long after Earth was impacted by the planet Theia, the event which sterilised Earth and led to the formation of the Moon."


Insight tira selfie

... a meio caminho de Marte:
""If you are an engineer on InSight, that first glimpse of the heat shield blanket, harness tie-downs and cover bolts is a very reassuring sight as it tells us our Instrument Context Camera is operating perfectly," InSight project manager Tom Hoffman said in the NASA statement. "The next picture we plan to take with this camera will be of the surface of Mars."

That picture will be taken on Nov. 26, a few minutes after InSight lands at Elysium Planitia, a flat plane near the planet's equator. Once settled, it will deploy its instruments and begin investigating the planet's interior structure and geology."

sexta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2018

Queijo egípcio

3200 anos apenas:


"“The archaeologists suspected it was food, according to the conservation method and the position of the finding inside the tomb, but we discovered it was cheese after the first tests,” Enrico Greco, the lead author of the paper and a research assistant at Peking University in Beijing, said in an email.

The tomb in which the cheese was found belonged to Ptahmes, a high-ranking Egyptian official in the 13th century B.C. and the former mayor of the ancient city of Memphis, according to the paper. His burial site was first unearthed in 1885, but was lost to shifting sands until its rediscovery in 2010."

quinta-feira, 16 de agosto de 2018

Manutenção vetada?




quarta-feira, 15 de agosto de 2018



Imagens partilhadas

... sem direitos de autor:

"Need some vintage visual inspiration – or a real antique elements for an illustration, design or motion project? Then check out the British Library's collection of over a million copyright-free images that essentially you can do whatever you like with. Read also: 9 great sites for free images

The British Library's collection of images on Flickr are taken from books it has its collection from the 17th, 18th and 19th Century – so well out of copyright – and are vaguely arranged by theme: such as book coverscyclingillustrated letteringcomic artships or children's book illustration. There's also a collection of 'Highlights' that's a good place to start if you just want a general browse."

terça-feira, 14 de agosto de 2018

Space calendar 2018


Earth mini-moons (TCO)


"Twelve years ago, astronomers with the Catalina Sky Survey detected our planet’s first and only known natural satellite other than the Moon. Named 2006 RH120, it measures about 6 to 10 feet in length (2-3 meters), and it temporarily enters Earth’s orbit every 20 years or so, before returning to its ordinary orbit around the Sun. Surprisingly, and despite steady improvements to telescope technology, it remains the only known mini-moon, or TCO (temporarily captured orbiter)."

Zonas do universo com poucas galáxias?

"Astronomers have known that more than 12 billion years ago, about 1 billion years after the Big Bang, the gas in deep space was, on average, much more opaque than it is now in some regions, although the opacity varied widely from place to place. But they weren't sure about what caused those variations.

To learn why the differences occurred, the astronomers used one of the world's largest telescopes, the Subaru telescope on Mauna Kea in Hawaii, to search for galaxies of young stars in an exceptionally large region of space—500 million light-years across—where they knew the intergalactic gas was extremely opaque.

If the region had an unusually small number of galaxies, the scientists would be able to conclude that starlight could not penetrate as far as expected through the intergalactic gas; if it had an unusually large number of galaxies, the implication would be that the region had cooled significantly over the previous several hundred million years. (Having few galaxies in a region would mean not only that there was less light created by those galaxies, but also that even more opaque gas was being formed, so the light could not travel as far as astronomers had expected.)

"It was a rare case in astronomy where two competing models, both of which were compelling in their own way, offered precisely opposite predictions, and we were lucky that those predictions were testable," said Steven Furlanetto, a UCLA professor of astronomy and a co-author of the research.

The researchers found that region contains far fewer galaxies than expected—clear evidence that starlight could not get through. The paucity of galaxies could be the reason this region is so opaque.

"It is not that the opacity is a cause of the lack of galaxies," Furlanetto said. "Instead, it's the other way around."

They concluded that because the gas in deep space is kept transparent by ultraviolet lightfrom galaxies, fewer nearby galaxies might make it murkier."

Time-lapse: Perséiades


Perséiades no YouTube:

Carros perdidos em casa da avó


segunda-feira, 13 de agosto de 2018

Conímbriga, essa pequena grande maravilha


Entrevista a Phil Collins na RS

Em tournée com o filho na bateria:

domingo, 12 de agosto de 2018

Mental toughness (in sports)


"Self-talk is the internal monologue we carry on with ourselves, as opposed to talking aloud with others.

Remember this: your words dictate your thoughts, your thoughts control your actions, and your actions determine your success."

Navegação má?


Assédio Moral?


sábado, 11 de agosto de 2018

Transferência horizontal de genes


"Is our human view of life and lineage profoundly wrong? Darwin's tree of life, by which many of us see our ancestry - with genes and traits passed vertically, root to branch, from parent to child and so on for centuries - doesn't include what science has discovered over the past couple of generations. Horizontal gene transfer or HGT - genetic matter we don't inherit but acquire sideways, if you please, virally from other organisms, even other species. Roughly 8 percent of the human genome arrived that way. The tree of life is really a web.

David Quammen traces the story and implications of this discovery in his new book "The Tangled Tree: A Radical New History Of Life." He's an award-winning science, nature and travel writer. His work has appeared in National Geographic, Rolling Stone and The New York Times' Book Review. David Quammen joins us now from Bozeman, Mont. Thanks so much for being with us."

Gatos e Vikings


Chá vs café?


sexta-feira, 10 de agosto de 2018



"Water molecules look like oxygen atoms each connected to two hydrogen atoms in a wide V. When they freeze into ice, they can arrange into lots of different crystal structures, based on the temperature and pressure during freezing. Regular water ice is called ice Ih, ice one-h, and its molecules line up into hexagons. You’ve probably heard of fictional ice IX, ice nine, from Kurt Vonnegut’s Cat’s Cradle that turns everything it touches into ice nine. Ice IX really exists but is not dangerous."