quarta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2018

Conceito novo de aceleração de partículas

... testado com sucesso no CERN:

"AWAKE, which stands for "Advanced WAKEfield Experiment", is a proof-of-principle R&D project investigating the use of protons to drive plasma wakefields for accelerating electrons to higher energies than can be achieved using conventional technologies. Traditional accelerators use what are known as radio-frequency (RF) cavities to kick the particle beams to higher energies. This involves alternating the electrical polarity of positively and negatively charged zones within the RF cavity, with the combination of attraction and repulsion accelerating the particles within the cavity. By contrast, in wakefield accelerators, the particles get accelerated by "surfing" on top of the plasma wave (or wakefield) that contains similar zones of positive and negative charges.

Plasma wakefields themselves are not new ideas; they were first proposed in the late 1970s. "Wakefield accelerators have two different beams: the beam of particles that is the target for the acceleration is known as a 'witness beam', while the beam that generates the wakefield itself is known as the 'drive beam'," "

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