terça-feira, 7 de agosto de 2018

Aquecimento global e ponto de nao retorno?


"High-latitude threats include thawing permafrost or ocean floor hydrates, the loss of summer sea ice in the Arctic and Antarctic, melting ice sheets, and a reduction in winter snow cover. Elsewhere, the dieback of the Amazon or boreal forests, weakening of carbon sinks on land and sea, and increased respiration by ocean bacteria rank as possible dangers.

“For some of the tipping elements, crossing the tipping point could trigger an abrupt, nonlinear response (e.g., conversion of large areas of the Amazon rainforest to a savanna or seasonally dry forest),” the paper notes. “While for others, crossing the tipping point would lead to a more gradual but self-perpetuating response (large-scale loss of permafrost).”"

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