quinta-feira, 9 de agosto de 2018

O objecto que viaja mais rápido...

... feito pelo ser humano vai ser lançado em breve em direcção ao sol (é vai demorar 7 anos a atingir essa tal velocidade):

Faz lembrar a estúpida música: Set the controls to the heart of the sun?

"The Parker Solar Probe (...)

If the weather remains favorable and everything goes according to plan on August 11th, NASA is sending a spacecraft to the sun. The Parker Solar Probe will go closer to the massive ball of gas and plasma keeping our solar system together than any other spacecraft has gone before. It will brave extreme temperatures reaching up to 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit to collect data and images of the sun's atmosphere called "corona." The spacecraft will also reach speeds up to 430,000 mph, making it the fastest-ever human-made object. That's nowhere near fast enough to reach Alpha Centauri within our lifetime -- it has to travel around 7,000 years to reach the star closest to our sun -- but fast enough to get from Philadelphia to DC in a second."
" the Parker Solar Probe can soar as close as 3.83 million miles above the sun's surface, though, it first has to spend seven years encircling the sun again and again. It will use Venus' gravity to fly closer to the sun each orbit while picking up speed in the process"

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