quinta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2018

Neil Young, Young.

Casou de novo aos 72:

quarta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2018

Oldest galaxies and the re-ionization period


"Atoms started forming from protons and electrons a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang. The resulting gas cooled, creating stars, but the stars didn’t last long. They exploded in huge supernovae, sending energy out into space. This split the atoms back up once again, “re-ionizing” them. It’s unclear when the first stars started to form or when re-ionization started, but they’re important periods in the Universe’s history, because they set the ball rolling to create the galaxies we see today."

The most widely accepted model says that galaxies are actually visible gas and dust coalescing inside larger haloes of a yet-to-be explained kind of mass called dark matter. Galaxies began forming with the first stars, but during the re-ionization period, astronomers think that temperatures rose too high, halting further galactic growth. Only at some later period, when large-enough dark matter halos coalesced, would the galaxy formation process pick up again."

Formação de estrelas em galáxia

... 1000 vezes mais rápida que na Via Láctea:

"The “Monster Galaxy”, also known as COSMOS-AzTEC-1, formed just 2 billion years after the Big Bang, and it turns more than a thousand Suns worth of gas into stars each year. Scientists still don’t understand these early galaxies very well, but now they have some new information that can shed light on why they form stars so blisteringly fast."

Um bosão de Higgs quando decai...

Torna-se o quê?

"CERN say they have observed the Higgs boson decay into b quarks. The finding provides major support for the Standard Model, which has many implications for how we understand the world and the universe. "The Higgs boson is the least well-known and in many ways the most baffling particle in the standard model.  Observing its decay to bottom quarks is a major milestone in our understanding of its properties," "

Conceito novo de aceleração de partículas

... testado com sucesso no CERN:

"AWAKE, which stands for "Advanced WAKEfield Experiment", is a proof-of-principle R&D project investigating the use of protons to drive plasma wakefields for accelerating electrons to higher energies than can be achieved using conventional technologies. Traditional accelerators use what are known as radio-frequency (RF) cavities to kick the particle beams to higher energies. This involves alternating the electrical polarity of positively and negatively charged zones within the RF cavity, with the combination of attraction and repulsion accelerating the particles within the cavity. By contrast, in wakefield accelerators, the particles get accelerated by "surfing" on top of the plasma wave (or wakefield) that contains similar zones of positive and negative charges.

Plasma wakefields themselves are not new ideas; they were first proposed in the late 1970s. "Wakefield accelerators have two different beams: the beam of particles that is the target for the acceleration is known as a 'witness beam', while the beam that generates the wakefield itself is known as the 'drive beam'," "


Matrix, novos filmes? Parece que sim...

domingo, 26 de agosto de 2018



Lutos nas transições?


XYZ what?


sexta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2018

O horóscopo do...

... sexo. Esta é nova:

quinta-feira, 23 de agosto de 2018

Cohen e Trump

Como os amigos deixam se ser bons amigos... Ou se calhar eram amigos da onça. Cohen declara-se culpado à frente de um Tribunal cheio de gente. Os detalhes todos:

quarta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2018

Levantamentos a partir de 50 mil euros vão dar alerta no Fisco – Observador

Levantamentos a partir de 50 mil euros vão dar alerta no Fisco – Observador

2018-08, MONEY, PT,

Sobre as conspirações em geral...

E a QAnon em particular:

"Conspiracies take off because the world is complex and people like things to make sense, according to Brooke Binkowski, former managing editor at the fact-checking website Snopes.com, which frequently debunks online theories.

“Conspiracy theories offer a neat package that wrap up all these events,” she says."

terça-feira, 21 de agosto de 2018

Gelo na lua


Steve e auroras?


"Led by Bea Gallardo-Lacourt, a space scientist at the University of Calgary, the new study focuses on a Steve sighting that occurred on March 28, 2008. This appearance was fortuitously chronicled by the ground-based component of NASA’s THEMIS mission (called All‐Sky Imagers), as well as NOAA’s Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellite (NOAA-17), which was overhead as Steve shone"(...)"Light from auroras is caused by particle precipitation, which occurs when high-energy charged particles cascade into the upper atmosphere along Earth’s magnetic field lines. No such high-energy precipitation was observed from the 2008 event. While there was an observed flux of lower-energy particles, that does not explain the vibrancy of Steve’s luminosity and color. By combing through data captured from above and below the purple and green ribbon, the authors concluded that the “skyglow could be generated by a new and fundamentally different mechanism in the ionosphere.”"

Genesis em Hollywood Bowl


"Flashback: Genesis Wrap Up Their Reunion Tour With a Peter Gabriel-Era Classic

But right before they played the final song at the last night of their Turn It On Again reunion tour in 2007, Phil Collins addressed the crowd and spoke from the heart.

“As we stand here right now there is nothing else planned, so that adds a lot more emotion to this evening than this being the last show of the last tour,” Collins told the audience at the Hollywood Bowl. “I’m 56. I joined this band when I was 19, so you can work that out. But Tony [Banks] and Mike [Rutherford] were already in it and they’re older than me. So this is very much a family group. We grew up together. I’ve never said it privately or publicly, but Tony I love you. Mike, I love you too. Now being British, we’re going to carry on with things. That’s enough of that.”

As they did every night of the tour, they then wrapped up the night not with one of their big 1980s pop hits, but rather with “The Carpet Crawlers” from their 1974 prog rock magnum opus The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway. "

Tipologias de escritórios e stress?


"Refined, bleached and deodorized, or R.B.D., coconut oil, which has been treated with solvents and subjected to intense heat, raises cholesterol so reliably that scientists have used it as a control when running experiments on different fats. The harsh processing may destroy some of the good essential fatty acids and antioxidants, such as lauric acid, a medium chain fatty acid believed to raise good H.D.L. cholesterol.

“If you’re going to use coconut oil, make sure you get virgin oil,” Dr. Brenna said. “And, of course, everything in moderation.”"

Mudanças no tipo de sangue?


"The discovery is enzymes from gut bacteria that can efficiently turn type-A human blood into type-O.

Type-O blood is special because it can be donated to anyone without the risk of a bad mismatch reaction.

The researchers, from the University of British Columbia, say clinical trials of the treatment could begin soon.

The gut bug enzymes remove markers from the surface of the donor red blood cells present in type A but not in type O.

Stripping them away means the recipient's immune system will think the donor type-A blood is type-O and will not attack it for being "foreign"."

O som do silêncio?

Não, o som do sexo:

"I wanted to take a closer look at what I might be missing out on. Are humans actually predisposed to being screamers, and if so, what is the purpose of all the noise?
Lorraine McCune has been studying the grunt at Rutgers University since 1987. She explained that the grunt is a physiological response to exertion, an epiphenomenon occurring when the body needs more oxygen.
What happens, more or less, is this: “Under conditions of metabolic demand, activation of the intercostal muscles to maintain lung inflation during expiration sets in motion reflex contraction of laryngeal muscles, creating a system under pressure that lengthens the expiration phase of the breath and enhances oxygenation of the blood. Expiration against the constricted glottis produces pulses of sound.”
Translation: In the right circumstances, the sound just happens.
McCune went on to explain that tennis players often grunt when they hit a ball off their racket and that trying to stop the sound can actually hurt their game. “When you squash the grunt,” she said, “you’re having to use energy that you could have used for your stroke to suppress a vocalization.”
There is even a study that proves McCune’s point. Researchers from the University of Nebraska Omaha found that professional players increase the ball’s velocity by 3.8% if they grunt while taking their shot."

Novos tipos de colonialismos?


"At the end of a five-day visit in Beijing, Malaysia’s new leader, Mahathir Mohamad, said on Tuesday that he was halting two major Chinese-linked projects, worth almost $16 billion together, amid accusations that Mr. Najib’s government knowingly signed bad deals with China to bail out a graft-plagued state investment fund and bankroll his continuing grip on power.

His message throughout his meetings with officials, and in public comments, has been unambiguous.

“We do not want a situation where there is a new version of colonialism happening because poor countries are unable to compete with rich countries,” Mr. Mahathir said on Monday at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing after meeting with Premier Li Keqiang."

segunda-feira, 20 de agosto de 2018

O meu pulmão de ferro (polio)?


"Randolph, who was able to live without the iron lung until her symptoms worsened in the late 70s, cannot climb into the machine by herself, and has to be put in her pajamas by husband Mark, and then loaded into a sling that hoists her from her bed over to the machine, The Kansas City Star reported.Then someone has to adjust her blankets to ensure she is not cold, and turn on the machine before the process is repeated in reverse the following morning.

If a piece of the machine malfunctions, Mark, a software engineer, or her cousin, a former aircraft mechanic, work on the repairs, Gizmodo reported. Mark told the news outlet that running the machine and associated repairs cost about the same as buying a new car each year.

“The ‘yellow submarine’ is my necessary trusted, mechanical friend,” she previously told Gizmodo. “I approach it with relief in store at night and thankfully leave it with relief in the morning.”"

E o milhar de milhão chato?

Conhecem? (Boring Billion)
Infografia com a evolução da vida na terra:

""Combining fossil and genomic information, we can use an approach called the 'molecular clock' which is loosely based on the idea that the number of differences in the genomes of two living species (say a human and a bacterium) are proportional to the time since they shared a common ancestor."

By making use of this method the team at Bristol and Mark Puttick from the University of Bath were able to derive a timescale for the history of life on Earth that did not rely on the ever-changing age of the oldest accepted fossil evidence of life.

Co-author Professor Davide Pisani said: "Using this approach we were able to show that the Last Universal Common Ancestor all cellular life forms, 'LUCA', existed very early in Earth's history, almost 4.5 Billion years ago—not long after Earth was impacted by the planet Theia, the event which sterilised Earth and led to the formation of the Moon."


Insight tira selfie

... a meio caminho de Marte:
""If you are an engineer on InSight, that first glimpse of the heat shield blanket, harness tie-downs and cover bolts is a very reassuring sight as it tells us our Instrument Context Camera is operating perfectly," InSight project manager Tom Hoffman said in the NASA statement. "The next picture we plan to take with this camera will be of the surface of Mars."

That picture will be taken on Nov. 26, a few minutes after InSight lands at Elysium Planitia, a flat plane near the planet's equator. Once settled, it will deploy its instruments and begin investigating the planet's interior structure and geology."

sexta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2018

Queijo egípcio

3200 anos apenas:


"“The archaeologists suspected it was food, according to the conservation method and the position of the finding inside the tomb, but we discovered it was cheese after the first tests,” Enrico Greco, the lead author of the paper and a research assistant at Peking University in Beijing, said in an email.

The tomb in which the cheese was found belonged to Ptahmes, a high-ranking Egyptian official in the 13th century B.C. and the former mayor of the ancient city of Memphis, according to the paper. His burial site was first unearthed in 1885, but was lost to shifting sands until its rediscovery in 2010."

quinta-feira, 16 de agosto de 2018

Manutenção vetada?




quarta-feira, 15 de agosto de 2018



Imagens partilhadas

... sem direitos de autor:

"Need some vintage visual inspiration – or a real antique elements for an illustration, design or motion project? Then check out the British Library's collection of over a million copyright-free images that essentially you can do whatever you like with. Read also: 9 great sites for free images

The British Library's collection of images on Flickr are taken from books it has its collection from the 17th, 18th and 19th Century – so well out of copyright – and are vaguely arranged by theme: such as book coverscyclingillustrated letteringcomic artships or children's book illustration. There's also a collection of 'Highlights' that's a good place to start if you just want a general browse."

terça-feira, 14 de agosto de 2018

Space calendar 2018


Earth mini-moons (TCO)


"Twelve years ago, astronomers with the Catalina Sky Survey detected our planet’s first and only known natural satellite other than the Moon. Named 2006 RH120, it measures about 6 to 10 feet in length (2-3 meters), and it temporarily enters Earth’s orbit every 20 years or so, before returning to its ordinary orbit around the Sun. Surprisingly, and despite steady improvements to telescope technology, it remains the only known mini-moon, or TCO (temporarily captured orbiter)."

Zonas do universo com poucas galáxias?

"Astronomers have known that more than 12 billion years ago, about 1 billion years after the Big Bang, the gas in deep space was, on average, much more opaque than it is now in some regions, although the opacity varied widely from place to place. But they weren't sure about what caused those variations.

To learn why the differences occurred, the astronomers used one of the world's largest telescopes, the Subaru telescope on Mauna Kea in Hawaii, to search for galaxies of young stars in an exceptionally large region of space—500 million light-years across—where they knew the intergalactic gas was extremely opaque.

If the region had an unusually small number of galaxies, the scientists would be able to conclude that starlight could not penetrate as far as expected through the intergalactic gas; if it had an unusually large number of galaxies, the implication would be that the region had cooled significantly over the previous several hundred million years. (Having few galaxies in a region would mean not only that there was less light created by those galaxies, but also that even more opaque gas was being formed, so the light could not travel as far as astronomers had expected.)

"It was a rare case in astronomy where two competing models, both of which were compelling in their own way, offered precisely opposite predictions, and we were lucky that those predictions were testable," said Steven Furlanetto, a UCLA professor of astronomy and a co-author of the research.

The researchers found that region contains far fewer galaxies than expected—clear evidence that starlight could not get through. The paucity of galaxies could be the reason this region is so opaque.

"It is not that the opacity is a cause of the lack of galaxies," Furlanetto said. "Instead, it's the other way around."

They concluded that because the gas in deep space is kept transparent by ultraviolet lightfrom galaxies, fewer nearby galaxies might make it murkier."

Time-lapse: Perséiades


Perséiades no YouTube:

Carros perdidos em casa da avó


segunda-feira, 13 de agosto de 2018

Conímbriga, essa pequena grande maravilha


Entrevista a Phil Collins na RS

Em tournée com o filho na bateria:

domingo, 12 de agosto de 2018

Mental toughness (in sports)


"Self-talk is the internal monologue we carry on with ourselves, as opposed to talking aloud with others.

Remember this: your words dictate your thoughts, your thoughts control your actions, and your actions determine your success."

Navegação má?


Assédio Moral?


sábado, 11 de agosto de 2018

Transferência horizontal de genes


"Is our human view of life and lineage profoundly wrong? Darwin's tree of life, by which many of us see our ancestry - with genes and traits passed vertically, root to branch, from parent to child and so on for centuries - doesn't include what science has discovered over the past couple of generations. Horizontal gene transfer or HGT - genetic matter we don't inherit but acquire sideways, if you please, virally from other organisms, even other species. Roughly 8 percent of the human genome arrived that way. The tree of life is really a web.

David Quammen traces the story and implications of this discovery in his new book "The Tangled Tree: A Radical New History Of Life." He's an award-winning science, nature and travel writer. His work has appeared in National Geographic, Rolling Stone and The New York Times' Book Review. David Quammen joins us now from Bozeman, Mont. Thanks so much for being with us."

Gatos e Vikings


Chá vs café?


sexta-feira, 10 de agosto de 2018



"Water molecules look like oxygen atoms each connected to two hydrogen atoms in a wide V. When they freeze into ice, they can arrange into lots of different crystal structures, based on the temperature and pressure during freezing. Regular water ice is called ice Ih, ice one-h, and its molecules line up into hexagons. You’ve probably heard of fictional ice IX, ice nine, from Kurt Vonnegut’s Cat’s Cradle that turns everything it touches into ice nine. Ice IX really exists but is not dangerous."

O coração de Plutão

Com alguma boa vontade, vê-se um coração:

A foto mais longínqua tirada pelo homem

Foi tirada pela New Horizons e a qualidade supera as da Voyager:

"NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft is now 3.79 billion miles from Earth, or around 41 times the distance between the Earth and the Sun, and far beyond the orbit of Neptune. Using its Long Range Reconnaissance Imager, it snapped these images of Kuiper Belt Objects 2012 HZ84 (left) and 2012 HE85 (right)—and they’re the furthest images ever taken away from Earth. 

The Kuiper Belt is like an enormous and distant icy rock belt at the edge of the observable Solar System, full of dwarf planets like Pluto, Haumea, and Eris (whose mass is even larger than Pluto’s"

Foto mortal?


quinta-feira, 9 de agosto de 2018

Vírus em bloco mais contagiosos...


"Before this new research, scientists thought individual particles of a virus spread illnesses more effectively. It seemed like basic arithmetic. If you have 1,000 virus particles, you have 1,000 chances for cells to become infected. If you have only 20 clusters of viruses, they have only 20 chances to attack cells. Right?

Nope. In 2015, the researchers discovered that the viral clusters were much more effective at attacking human cells. But those results were from laboratory experiments. Could the same hold true in real life?"

Fóssil do animal mais antigo?

"If true, these organisms would be among the first animals in the fossil record, dating back to at least 571 million years ago — the age of the oldest frond fossils. That's about 30 million years before the Cambrian explosion, when many of today's animal groups first burst onto the scene. The date is consistent with other evidence that suggests animals appeared more than 635 million years ago.

The mysterious frond fossils, which have been found around the world, date to the Ediacaran period, which spanned from 635 million to 542 million years ago. The fossilized imprints suggest that the organisms were soft and squishy and that some sported fronds that branched outward like seaweed, study co-author Jennifer Hoyal Cuthill, a paleobiologist at the University of Cambridge in England, wrote on The Conversation. Even 60 years after the discovery of these organisms, researchers (...)"

O objecto que viaja mais rápido...

... feito pelo ser humano vai ser lançado em breve em direcção ao sol (é vai demorar 7 anos a atingir essa tal velocidade):

Faz lembrar a estúpida música: Set the controls to the heart of the sun?

"The Parker Solar Probe (...)

If the weather remains favorable and everything goes according to plan on August 11th, NASA is sending a spacecraft to the sun. The Parker Solar Probe will go closer to the massive ball of gas and plasma keeping our solar system together than any other spacecraft has gone before. It will brave extreme temperatures reaching up to 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit to collect data and images of the sun's atmosphere called "corona." The spacecraft will also reach speeds up to 430,000 mph, making it the fastest-ever human-made object. That's nowhere near fast enough to reach Alpha Centauri within our lifetime -- it has to travel around 7,000 years to reach the star closest to our sun -- but fast enough to get from Philadelphia to DC in a second."
" the Parker Solar Probe can soar as close as 3.83 million miles above the sun's surface, though, it first has to spend seven years encircling the sun again and again. It will use Venus' gravity to fly closer to the sun each orbit while picking up speed in the process"

Mais um astronauta com visões...

Aliens no Space Shuttle Atlantis:

quarta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2018



Estrela rica em Lítio...

... 3000 vezes mais que o habitual:

"Segundo uma equipa dos Observatórios Astronómicos Nacionais da China, a estrela, designada gigante por ter uma luminosidade entre dez e mil vezes mais intensa que a do Sol, tem 3.000 vezes mais lítio do que outras estrelas e está a 4.500 anos-luz da Terra.

O lítio é considerado um dos três elementos químicos sintetizados no Big Bang, juntamente com o hélio e o hidrogénio."

terça-feira, 7 de agosto de 2018

Testes genéticos e seguros de saúde


Aquecimento global e ponto de nao retorno?


"High-latitude threats include thawing permafrost or ocean floor hydrates, the loss of summer sea ice in the Arctic and Antarctic, melting ice sheets, and a reduction in winter snow cover. Elsewhere, the dieback of the Amazon or boreal forests, weakening of carbon sinks on land and sea, and increased respiration by ocean bacteria rank as possible dangers.

“For some of the tipping elements, crossing the tipping point could trigger an abrupt, nonlinear response (e.g., conversion of large areas of the Amazon rainforest to a savanna or seasonally dry forest),” the paper notes. “While for others, crossing the tipping point would lead to a more gradual but self-perpetuating response (large-scale loss of permafrost).”"

segunda-feira, 6 de agosto de 2018

Chaves para a domesticação...

... de animais:

"Kukekova first became aware of the celebrated “fox farm experiment” in 1988, when she was still a freshman at Saint Petersburg State University. In 1959, researchers took a group of wild silver foxes (a dark color mutation of the red fox) and bred only the most docile animals—those that didn’t bite when humans stuck fingers in their cages. The scientists then selected the tamest offspring of these animals and repeated the process over and over. By the eighth generation, the foxes started to seek out human company and show affection. (Today, nearly 60 years after the experiment began, some of them even enjoy belly rubs.)

In the 1960s, the scientists also bred a separate strain of foxes, selecting for aggressiveness. Over the generations, those animals were even less friendly toward humans than the other farm-raised foxes, attacking or growling at two-legged visitors as soon as they approached."

Planeta que não orbita uma estrela


"Kao and her team are surprised that the object isn't orbiting a star, a typical behavior of planets.

“Detecting SIMP J01365663+0933473 with the VLA through its auroral radio emission also means that we may have a new way of detecting exoplanets, including the elusive rogue ones not orbiting a parent star,” Caltech's Gregg Hallinan added in the statement.

Originally discovered in 2016, it was only recently that it was identified as a planetary-mass object, having originally been classified as a brown dwarf. Once more data was obtained, the idea that SIMP J01365663+0933473 was a brown dwarf was scrapped.

It's thought that SIMP J01365663+0933473  is only 200 million years-old and is just 20 light-years away from Earth. It also has a surface temperature of 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit, compared to minus 234 degrees Fahrenheit for Jupiter and 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit for the Sun.

It was first detected using a radio telescope, the  National Science Foundation's Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array."



Mineral nunca visto na terra?


"The mineral came from the Uakit meteorite, named for the Russian location where it was found. Scientists recently presented their discovery of the meteorite's new mineral, named uakitite, at the Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society in Moscow.

The researchers found that more than 98 percent of the meteorite consists of kamacite, an alloy of iron and 5 to 10 percent nickel, that's formed in space and is found only in meteorites, which are rocks that fall from space to Earth's surface. The remaining 1 to 2 percent of the meteorite consists of just over a dozen minerals that, for the most part, are exclusively formed in space. On top of that, the composition of the extraordinary space rock suggests that it must have formed under brutally hot temperatures, well over 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit (1,000 degrees Celsius), the researchers said. [Fallen Stars: A Gallery of Famous Meteorites]"

O porco maravilha?


"fore my fiancée introduced me to Esther the Wonder Pig — figuratively, not literally — I never could have seen myself trekking all the way up to Canada from my home state of Pennsylvania, future in-laws in tow, to meet a sow best known for a presence on Facebook and Instagram that has earned her an adoring fanbase (including my soon-to-be betrothed). Now that a month has passed and I've returned from my trip to the Happily Ever Esther Farm Sanctuary, where she lives, I find it difficult to eat any meat products without cringing — literally, not figuratively — at the thought of what exactly I'm putting into my body... and, for that matter, my soul."

quinta-feira, 2 de agosto de 2018

Edição de genes: 2 versões?


"Why it matters: Cas9 is the first-discovered and most popular enzyme used by the CRISPR technology, but it has been known to have safety concerns. It sometimes unsafely targets the wrong gene or even deletes sections of the genome. However, Cas12a may be safer because it discriminates more strongly against mismatches than Cas9, the scientists say."

Compressão de genes?


"Scientists from two teams reported Wednesday in Nature they were able to use CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology to dramatically restructure a yeast cell's complex genome that continued to live but was sometimes unable to reproduce in future generations.

Why it matters: Scientists seek a better understanding of how chromosomes are copied and divided in humans in order to figure out what causes faulty chromosome packages that can trigger miscarriages and some genetic disorders like Down's syndrome. Plus, they want to examine more closely the role played by the number of chromosomes, which differs greatly by species."

Python new material?
