domingo, 31 de dezembro de 2017

Salvador Sobral e Euronews

"O canal paneuropeu promoveu uma votação com as figuras do ano e, no campo cultural, o domínio do vencedor da Eurovisão foi avassalador. O português conquistou 63% dos votos, deixando para trás os realizadores do filme sobre Van Gogh, Dorota Kobiela e Hugh Welchman (12%), Kazuo Ishiguro (11%), Adele (9%) e Hito Steyerl (4%).

Além da vitória no concurso musical, Salvador é destacado pelos jornalistas da Euronews por ser um “ativista comprometido“. Nomeadamente com a causa dos refugiados, para a qual chamou a atenção durante a conferência de imprensa dos vencedores da semifinal do Festival Eurovisão, ao usar uma t-shirt com a inscrição SOS Refugees.

Além disso, o canal de televisão destaca a doação dos lucros da venda do seu álbum Excuse às vítimas de Pedrógão Grande, a participação no concerto solidário Juntos por Todos e o facto de ter conseguido, no fim do ano, receber um transplante de coração."

E a pontuação máxima de sempre:


"Amar Pelos Dois conquistou 758 pontos. Seguiram-se Bulgária (615) e Moldávia (374) na tabela classificativa. A canção da autoria de Luísa Sobral conquistou a pontuação máxima do televoto em 12 países e a dos jurados em 18 ocasiões."

sábado, 30 de dezembro de 2017

Ovos de dinossauros na China

21 orgasmos por mês

Como uma maçã por dia?

quinta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2017

Baltic sea normal anomaly

""Possibly these rocks were transported there by glaciers."

The 26ft tall object was discovered by Swedish explorer Peter Lindberg and his Ocean X team of marine explorers during a dive searching for a shipwreck. 

Despite the findings from Mr Brüchert, Ocean X maintain that it is not a natural structure.

Stefan Hogerborn, part of the Ocean X team, said their electrical equipment stopped working when they got to within 200 metres of the anomaly on the Baltic seabed."

terça-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2017

Planos para a NASA nos próximos anos

Parte interessante:
"But would-be space entrepreneurs have run into regulatory hurdles, namely the Outer Space Treaty, signed in 1967, which holds that no country can claim a celestial body, and that governments supervise non-governmental organizations – like businesses – in space. In 2015, Obama signed a law that gave companies “space resource rights”, and earlier this year members of Congress proposed creating an “Office of Space Commerce”. But for now the legislation, like hopes to mine asteroids, remains far ahead of the actual technology."

"“Infinity and beyond!” Aldrin joked to the president in June.

“This is infinity here,” Trump replied. “It could be infinity. We don’t really don’t know. But it could be. It has to be something. But it could be infinity, right?”"

sábado, 23 de dezembro de 2017

10000 em T i a n a n m e n?

A report says so...

quinta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2017

Para onde foi a água de Marte?
"The group began by creating analytical models, based on data from sources including the Martian rovers. That required calculating the details of each planet's mantle temperatures and pressures and estimating their early rock compositions, among other factors. Playing each model forward in time revealed that Mars' smaller size and its increased level of iron would send way more water into its mantle. Earth's more buoyant crust and steeper increase in temperatures at increasing depth in its early history could have further prevented water from reacting with the mantle. The researchers published their results today in the journal Nature."

Embrião com 25 anos?

Movimentos tectónicos

"You may think that plates that sink deep into the mantle just melt -- but in fact, they stick around for a long time and can sink as deep as 3000km, explained van Hinsbergen. The catalogue is "the first and extensive global framework for interpretation of present-day global mantle structure and its physical properties and how that relates to our planet's dynamic evolution of the past 300 [million years]," according to the paper."

segunda-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2017

Fósseis mais antigos?

3,5 mil milhões de anos (início da vida na terra?):

"Prof Valley's team was able to tease apart the carbon-12 from the carbon-13 within each fossil and measure the ratio of the two compared to a known carbon isotope standard and a fossil-less section of the rock in which they were found.

He said: "The differences in carbon isotope ratios correlate with their shapes.

"If they're not biological there is no reason for such a correlation. Their C-13-to-C-12 ratios are characteristic of biology and metabolic function," Prof Valley, said, based on this information, the researchers were also able to assign identities and likely physiological behaviours to the fossils locked inside the rock."

domingo, 17 de dezembro de 2017

Programa de investigação de OVNIs?

Como sobreviver ao Natal (para Vegans)

quinta-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2017

quarta-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2017

Roubar ideias?

terça-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2017

sábado, 2 de dezembro de 2017

Os templários

quinta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2017


quarta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2017

Simulador de solo marciano e minhocas?

"We need to know this because once we send humans to Mars, as NASA plans to do in the 2030s, it may be the first step towards a colony - and a colony is unsustainable without a food supply they can grow themselves.

As Wamelink and his team demonstrated in 2016, vegetables can indeed be grown in Martian soil.

Not as well as in Earth soil, but that's why the team is now trying new things - including adding pig manure and earthworms, which digest decaying plant matter and convert it into nutrients, and aerate the soil through which they tunnel.

Mars has limited weathering compared to Earth, though, which means the soil grains may have sharp edges that could harm the earthworms' digestive tracts."


Ou o abominável homem das neves... Ou não:

"“Of those nine samples, eight of them matched local bears that are found in the region today,” said Lindqvist, adding that the ninth sample was the dog tooth from the stuffed yeti. “The purported yetis from the Tibetan plateau matched Tibetan brown bears, the ones from the western Himalayan mountains matched the Himalayan brown bear and then, at possibly slightly lower altitude were Asian black bears.”"

domingo, 26 de novembro de 2017

quarta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2017

Nirvana e plágios?

Talvez não:

sábado, 18 de novembro de 2017

sexta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2017

Wormholes e viagens no tempo?

terça-feira, 14 de novembro de 2017

Fotografias ou não fotografias?

segunda-feira, 13 de novembro de 2017

Tubarão pré-histórico no Algarve

sábado, 11 de novembro de 2017

Selfie com...

"Hilter"? Agora já não...

sexta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2017

Radioactividade na Europa?

"The ruthenium 106 was probably released in a nuclear fuel treatment site or centre for radioactive medicine, he said. Because of its short half-life of about a year, ruthenium 106 is used in nuclear medicine, for example in cancer therapy for eye tumours."

quinta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2017

Alguém que não gosta de Hendrix

Os bateristas dos KC

domingo, 5 de novembro de 2017

Várias personalidades?

Parece que sim. Em todos nós:

sábado, 4 de novembro de 2017

Space 1999 in Ebay

quinta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2017

A pirâmide de degraus

Nova galeria na pirâmide de Keops?

Maldita cocaína?

segunda-feira, 30 de outubro de 2017

A história dos cubículos no escritório

quinta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2017

Trabalhar 30h aos quarenta?

terça-feira, 24 de outubro de 2017

domingo, 22 de outubro de 2017

Estruturas de pedra na Arábia Saudita

Árvores que resistem a incêndios?


"O novo estudo demonstra a resistência do cipreste-mediterrânico (Cupressus sempervirens) ao fogo e sugere o uso potencial dele como barreira para os incêndios devastadores que afetam a região mediterrânea.

Mais de 269 mil incêndios, a maioria causados por ação humana, foram reportados entre 2006 e 2010 na região, resultando em mais de dois milhões de hectares de florestas destruídas, segundo a FAO (Organização da ONU para Alimentação e Agricultura)."

sábado, 21 de outubro de 2017

Testes da Coreia do Norte e alterações na montanha

"Images captured by Airbus, a space technology company that makes earth observation satellites, showed the mountain literally moving during the test. An 85-acre area on the peak of Mount Mantap visibly subsided during the explosion, an indication of both the size of the blast and the weakness of the mountain."


"To do so, they examined individuals who suffered cardiac arrest, but were later revived. The scientists noted that death was defined by when the heart stops and blood stops flowing to the brain.

During the evaluation, many patients were able to recall full conversations and visuals, and in some cases, participants even reported hearing they had been pronounced dead. 

"They'll describe watching doctors and nurses working; they'll describe having awareness of full conversations, of visual things that were going on, that would otherwise not be known to them," lead author Sam Parnia told Live Science.

Scientists confirmed the patients’ stories with doctors and nurses present at the time of death, and were stunned to hear what the subjects remembered.

Why is there still brain activity after death?

Brain death is a process. It takes up to 20 seconds before brain waves are no longer detectable. Once they aren’t, a set of cellular processes take place that eventually result in brain death. And this could occur hours after the heart has stopped, Parnia said. 

"If you manage to restart the heart, which is what CPR attempts to do, you'll gradually start to get the brain functioning again. The longer you're doing CPR, those brain cell death pathways are still happening — they're just happening at a slightly slower rate," he said.

The scientists are now expanding their ongoing experiment, which will be the largest of its kind, to investigate the occurrences of consciousness after death and how it may affect the rest of a person’s life if they are revived."

Vírus da gripe

sexta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2017

HPV e cancro em homens

Por exposição via... Sexo oral?

"Men who perform oral sex on their partners have a high risk of contracting a rare form of mouth or throat cancer, according to new research.

Smokers who have had more than five sexual partners are at even greater risk of developing the cancer triggered by the human papilloma virus (HPV) - which is the main cause of cervical cancer.
Two HPV types (16 and 18) cause 70% of cervical cancers and precancerous cervical lesions, according to the World Health Organisation."

Caverna na Lua

Urano visível?

Sim, com telescópio profissional:

quarta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2017

Reduzir as drogas na adolescência?

terça-feira, 10 de outubro de 2017

A matrix não existe?

Mais Matéria?

segunda-feira, 9 de outubro de 2017

Monumentos fascistas em Itália...

Porque sobrevivem há tanto tempo?

Andaluzia e a independência...

domingo, 8 de outubro de 2017

O pássaro raro que nao existiu?

sábado, 7 de outubro de 2017

O vício pelo viciador

quarta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2017

Benefícios da leitura


segunda-feira, 2 de outubro de 2017

Vida na terra

terça-feira, 26 de setembro de 2017

LSD (e não só) estudado

"The scans found the most notable effects in parts of the brain that are known to be important for perceptions, rather than other roles such as language and movement. And while it is unclear how the change in brain activity affects consciousness, the result is what the scientists expected.

“I think people would have the intuitive idea that their experience on psychedelic compounds is a bit more random, a bit less constrained, that there’s a mixing of the senses, and all kinds of connections that are experienced between things that are previously unconnected,” Seth said."

segunda-feira, 18 de setembro de 2017

A evolução da mortalidade (no RU)

A mostrar aos cépticos da Ciência, Medicina e aos que criticam a sociedade ocidental em geral (que é a que mais contribuiu para este evoluir no último século):

domingo, 17 de setembro de 2017

Risco de blecaute?

OMG temos nova palavra no PT e risco de blackout!

O estatístico grego condenado

Quando já julgava ter visto tudo... O tipo que foi contratado para fazer as contas, Presidente de uma comissão independente (como a UE exige aos estados) vai preso provavelmente por ter feito bem o seu trabalho. Mas ter entalado a Grécia no processo. Tem passado a vida em tribunal desde 2010...

sábado, 16 de setembro de 2017

Lavar as mãos com água fria ou a 38 graus?

All the same. Água fria serve tão bem como a quente:

Bactérias no espaço (E. coli)

Posições perigosas

sexta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2017

terça-feira, 12 de setembro de 2017

Caixa craniana e cérebro de pássaros vs. crocodilos

"As the brain grows in an early embryo, the skull closely matches the shape of the brain - the new study shows that the boundary between the frontals and parietals perfectly matches the boundary between the forebrain and midbrain across most vertebrate groups.

By comparing brains and skulls in both ancient fossils and throughout the early life of modern reptiles, the team were able to use the same analytical approach to look at both evolutionary and developmental aspects of brain-skull interactions.

How structures in bodies develop in the embryos have often been found to reflect how those structures changed during evolution. Embryonic humans at early stages, for example, look a lot like embryonic fish, and later in development as embryos of other mammals, betraying our origins on the evolutionary tree.

The development of the skull is a particularly complex process, where hard bony tissues have to interact with many other organs, such as the eyes and brain. Birds' skulls appear to remain proportionally much larger and rounder than those of other reptiles through development, retaining their embryonic characteristics."

segunda-feira, 4 de setembro de 2017

Gasolina com chumbo por tanto tempo - porquê?

Porque havia dinheiro a ganhar (a alternativa não era patenteável). Qual a novidade?

"Better working practices could make tetraethyl lead safe to produce. But was it really sensible to add it to petrol, when the fumes would be belched out on to city streets?

About a century ago, when General Motors had first proposed adding lead to petrol - in order to improve performance - scientists were alarmed. They urged the government to investigate the public health implications.

Midgley breezily assured the surgeon general that "the average street will probably be so free from lead that it will be impossible to detect it or its absorption", although he conceded that "no actual experimental data has been taken"."

IMBH ou buracos negros "fraquinhos"

quarta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2017

O que acontece aos resíduos do WC num avião?

Beber café faz bem ou mal?

Aparentemente bem, de acordo com este estudo que durou 18 anos:

"“Os resultados sugerem que beber quatro chávenas de café por dia pode ser incluído numa dieta saudável em pessoas saudáveis”, afirmou Adela Navarro, que não encontrou diferenças na taxa de mortalidade entre homens e mulheres ou entre quem segue muito ou pouco a dieta mediterrânea. Já na relação com a idade, os resultados variaram: nas pessoas com mais de 45 anos, o consumo de café em doses superiores a quatro chávenas diárias revelou uma tendência para uma taxa de mortalidade ainda mais reduzida, informou a Sociedade Europeia de Cardiologia em comunicado.

Estas conclusões estão em linha com outro estudo recente, que juntou uma equipa multidisciplinar para avaliar a relação entre o consumo de café e a taxa de mortalidade em dez países europeus. Financiada pela Comissão Europeia e a Agência Internacional para a Investigação do Cancro, a pesquisa envolveu mais de 500 mil pessoas, num período médio de 16 anos, e concluiu que “beber café foi associado a um menor risco de morte por várias causas”. Os investigadores não identificaram diferenças entre os países estudados, França, Alemanha, Reino Unido, Espanha, Holanda, Grécia, Itália, Suécia, Noruega e Dinamarca."

Dentes das baleias e Darwin

terça-feira, 29 de agosto de 2017

domingo, 27 de agosto de 2017

Estrela fora do sistema solar estudada

sábado, 19 de agosto de 2017

Sexo por idades (estudo)

domingo, 13 de agosto de 2017

91 vulcões na Antártida

Sítios úteis (Ocorrências)

3 sítios muito úteis por estes dias de estradas cortadas:

Vai uma operação às cordas vocais?

quinta-feira, 10 de agosto de 2017

terça-feira, 8 de agosto de 2017

segunda-feira, 7 de agosto de 2017

Mudança de sexo aos 12?

"Around one in 90 children born in Las Salinas, in the Dominican Republic's Barahona province, are born with the condition which sees them naturally transform from females to males during puberty.

Referred to as "guevedoces", which translates to "penis at 12", the rare disorder featured in the BBC series Countdown to Life: The Extraordinary Making of You in which youngsters were interviewed."

terça-feira, 1 de agosto de 2017

Local arm maior que se pensava?

Distribuição de H na Via Láctea

sexta-feira, 28 de julho de 2017

Cassini continua a surpreender

Somos feitos de estrelas...

Mas aparentemente de outra galáxia:

terça-feira, 25 de julho de 2017

O que é que aprende com os reality shows

Uma análise interessante do Love Island que se aplica bem a esse programa cultural que é o Love On Top:

quarta-feira, 19 de julho de 2017

segunda-feira, 17 de julho de 2017

domingo, 16 de julho de 2017

Rorschach o quê?

'Nearly a century after Hermann Rorschach invented the ink blot test, the controversial assessment has all but vanished from psychiatric clinics. But even if the blots did not live up to their diagnostic promise, they have remained a source of intrigue to some scientists.

Key among the mysteries is why people see so many shapes and figures in the Rorschach blots, and how some of the strange patterns seem to conjure up more images than others. Writing on Tuesday in the journal Plos One, a group of scientists claim to have an answer."

"Rorschach, a Swiss Freudian psychiatrist, came up with the ink blot test in 1921 when he published ten cards, five in colour and five in black and white. The blots were made by pouring ink onto cards, folding them, and pressing them tightly to produce the characteristic symmetrical patterns.

Though Rorschach died a year later, the blots were used widely in psychiatry to assess people’s personalities and mental health. In the Nuremberg trials, Hermann Göring, the founder of the Gestapo, said that blot number tworesembled two men in a “fantastic dance”, while Rudolf Hess, appointed deputy führer to Adolf Hitler, saw in it a cross-section of an insect dotted with blood.

By the end of the 20th century, many psychiatrists realised that they could not read too much into the images people reported seeing. “Today, they are more seen as an indication of a person’s creativity. It’s not saying they’ve got a mental disorder because one person sees a hippopotamus and another person sees a naked woman,” said Taylor."

Ai a amizade ou o camandro!

"Much like a long-distance romance, it can be difficult to keep the spark alive in a friendship with someone living in a different city. Now scientists say they have uncovered the key to staying close – and it appears to be different for men and women.

Men need to meet up face-to-face and bond over activities, according to the study of students leaving home for the first time, while for female friendships, long phone conversations can bridge the physical distance.

Professor Robin Dunbar, who led the work at the University of Oxford, said: “What determined whether [friendships] survived with girls was whether they made effort to talk more to each other on the phone.”

However, talking had absolutely no effect on boys’ relationships, the study found. “What held up their friendships was doing stuff together,” said Dunbar. “Going to a football match, going to the pub for a drink, playing five-a-side. They had to make the effort. It was a very striking sex difference.'

Super cluster de galáxias descoberto

"A research team of Indian astronomers has identified a gigantic super cluster of galaxies, as large as 20 million billion suns, that they have named as Saraswati, as stated by Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA) which is based in Pune on Thursday.

This is till date the biggest known structures in the universe’s neighbourhood that are at a distance of 4,000 million light-years from our Earth and approximately more than 11 million years old, IUCAA added. The mass of the star cluster extends over 600 million light years’ scale."

O estupor moral que Ronaldo é?

Alteração de arquitectura na exploração espacial

Birth of a Giant Iceberg in Antarctica (Photos)

Uma aurora chamada Steve?

sexta-feira, 14 de julho de 2017

quinta-feira, 13 de julho de 2017

1dd vou Telecastar

Planet9 e a morte do sol?


quarta-feira, 12 de julho de 2017

Estrela de tamanho de Saturno

"EBLM J0555-57Ab was identified by WASP, a planet-finding experiment run by the Universities of Keele, Warwick, Leicester and St Andrews. EBLM J0555-57Ab was detected when it passed in front of, or transited, its larger parent star, forming what is called an eclipsing stellar binary system. The parent star became dimmer in a periodic fashion, the signature of an orbiting object. Thanks to this special configuration, researchers can accurately measure the mass and size of any orbiting companions, in this case a small star. The mass of EBLM J0555-57Ab was established via the Doppler, wobble method, using data from the CORALIE spectrograph."

Extinção de espécies

Teletransporte de fotões?

Iceberg gigante à solta

sexta-feira, 7 de julho de 2017

quarta-feira, 5 de julho de 2017

Ai os robots do sexo...

Femininos... :(

segunda-feira, 3 de julho de 2017

Segredos do betão romano

"For the new study researchers studied cores of concrete from the ancient Roman pier, Portus Cosanus in Orbetello, Italy using high-powered light beam x-rays and discovered the minerals had grown into the cracks caused by tidal erosion, proving that the saltwater reaction continues even after the concrete has set.

In contrast most modern concrete is a mix of Portland cement - limestone, sandstone, ash, chalk, iron, and clay, among other ingredients, heated to form a glassy material that is finely ground - mixed with sand or crushed stone that are not intended to chemically react, and so do not cause mineralisation when mixed with saltwater."

sábado, 24 de junho de 2017

Jactos de plasma no sol

sexta-feira, 23 de junho de 2017


quinta-feira, 22 de junho de 2017

Sexo na terceira idade é importante

terça-feira, 20 de junho de 2017

Over 300 New Species Discovered (and garbage) in The Australian Abyss

Over 300 New Species Discovered in The Australian Abyss | Chronicle Day


"Considering that the creatures brought to the surface have been living in freezing temperatures and complete darkness, it is expected that they are a bit grotesque looking.

However, the visual appeal of those species is not the shocking thing. The shock came from the fact that the ocean floor seems to contain a high level of rubbish that has been piling up for more than 200 years. The research team found bottles, PVC pipes, wood chips, beer cans and a multitude of other rubbish. It is hoped that this information will resonate far and will result in the change in collective attitudes concerning the rubbish disposal worldwide."

Outra fonte:

segunda-feira, 19 de junho de 2017

As origens dos fogos de 2003

Report: indústrias e capital natural usado


Resolver Cubo de Rubik com teoria de grupos e música

sábado, 17 de junho de 2017

Medições do VO2 Max

Mulher sem parte de cérebro

E ninguém notou até aos 24... Mais ou menos (só andou aos 7):

2 tipos de EF e a BBFC!

"The ban on female ejaculation in UK porn is based on the fact that the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) considers films which include material featuring “urolagnia” – sexual pleasure associated with urination – as obscene under the UK Obscene Publications Act."

Mais um planeta anão descoberto no SS

Diagrama dos planetas anões já conhecidos. E mais um descoberto ainda sem nome:

"So far, the researchers have worked out that the planet's orbit takes it more than 120 Earth-orbits away from the Sun, and it'll get a name when enough data has been gathered to characterise its orbit properly.

Since just one-seven-hundredth of 2015 RR245's orbit has been observed, it will be a few years before its orbit is known well enough for the object to get a name.

The astroboffins will also be studying the roughly 700 km object to decide whether it's smaller and bright, or larger and dull. That will wait for better measurement of its surface properties."

Estrelas aos pares...

Incluindo o sol: Nemésis.

Sobre Bitcoins e mais...

sexta-feira, 26 de maio de 2017

2017-05-26: Outro filme em que PM participa

Give my Regards to Broad Street (já para não falar de Magical Mystery Tour):

"The last time was in 1984 when the former Beatle, then 42, wrote, produced, scored and played himself in Give My Regards to Broad Street. The musical drama, however, was not well-received. Phrases such as "congenial but dumb" and "a home movie on an amazing scale" were used almost everywhere — except in The Hollywood Reporter.

THR really liked Broad Street, describing it as "a fanciful musical feature that may not whip up teenage fancy but thoroughly entertains." It did concede the film "has the barest semblance of a plot," which is a vast understatement. In the movie, McCartney falls asleep in his chauffeured car, dreams the master tapes for his latest album have been stolen and encounters everyone from Ringo Starr to Tracey Ullman (making her feature debut at age 26) while trying to recover them. The film's action comes from a series of set-piece performances of Beatles and Wings songs that range from McCartney playing solo to Baz Luhrmann-style extravaganzas.

Two years before making it, McCartney told THR that he and John Lennon had tried a couple of times to put a play together, "but it always seemed to fizzle out after three pages." However, he said coming up with 20,000 words about spending nine days in jail for bringing a half-pound of marijuana into Japan in 1980 "showed me I could write." "

2017-05-26: Análise da reedição do Sgt. Pepper's (Guardian)

"In 1987, Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Bandwas released on CD for the first time. It was, by some considerable distance, the most ballyhooed reissue in the history of pop. A two-hour documentary about the album and its place in history was shown at prime time on ITV, even then a very peculiar place to find Allen Ginsbergand Abbie Hoffman discussing LSD and the Exorcism of the Pentagon protest.

Elsewhere, the reissue was promoted by EMI as “the most important record ever released on compact disc” and, bizarrely, as “the Beatles’ first great album”, the latter comment both ludicrous and in keeping with the kind of hyperventilated judgment that Sgt Pepper attracted from the off: “a decisive moment in western civilisation”, opined theatre critic Kenneth Tynan in the Times, shortly after the album’s original release."

quinta-feira, 25 de maio de 2017

Asteróide metálico (200Km) vai ser explorado por NASA

sábado, 6 de maio de 2017

Fazer a barba... Abaixo

Maratona em (quase) menos de duas horas?

quarta-feira, 26 de abril de 2017

quarta-feira, 12 de abril de 2017

O mistério dos atacadores que se desenlaçam

E uma proposta de uma forma melhor de apertar os atacadores:

PS. Ciência no seu melhor?

terça-feira, 11 de abril de 2017

Como dessalinizar água do mar

... tornando-a potável (boa para beber):

terça-feira, 4 de abril de 2017

Pirâmide descoberta no Egipto

segunda-feira, 3 de abril de 2017

domingo, 2 de abril de 2017

Vídeos de testes nucleares publicados

""Você sente cheiro de vinagre quando abre as latas [de filme], que é um dos subprodutos do processo de decomposição destes filmes", conta Greg Spriggs, físico especializado em armamento bélico. "Sabemos que este material está à beira da decomposição, até o ponto em que se tornará inútil. Os dados que estamos coletando agora devem ser preservados em formato digital, porque não importa o quão bem você trate, preserve ou armazene estes filmes: eles vão se decompor. Eles são feitos de material orgânico, que se decompõe. Então é isso. Chegamos a tempo de salvar os dados", completa. 

Os testes atmosféricos dos EUA representam um verdadeiro tesouro de dados e informações para engenheiros, físicos e médicos. Nenhum teste foi conduzido por sobre o solo americano nos últimos 55 anos, e nenhum teste nuclear, de natureza alguma, é realizado no país desde 1991. Os registros da primeira explosão de uma bomba de fusão e fissão nuclear chegam como uma fonte científica inigualável para os estudiosos e especialistas que pesquisam ou trabalham com arsenal nuclear. "

Orgasmos múltiplos nas mulheres?

quarta-feira, 22 de março de 2017

Só há 3 tipos de consumidores de pornografia

É só um é considerado saudável:

segunda-feira, 20 de março de 2017

Projecção de Mercatore ou não?

Nem por isso. Nos EUA foi abandonada:

quarta-feira, 15 de março de 2017

terça-feira, 14 de março de 2017

Comichão estudada

"They found that a brain region called the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) was highly active while the mice were watching the video.

The SCN is a tiny region in the hypothalamus that controls when animals fall asleep or wake up.

When the mouse saw other mice scratching, the brain's SCN released a chemical substance called GRP (gastrin-releasing peptide).

A previous study by the researchers found that GRP is a key chemical transmitter of 'itch signals' between the skin and the spinal cord."

segunda-feira, 13 de março de 2017

A canção mais antiga do mundo

sexta-feira, 10 de março de 2017

Ai os ETs...

... Num artigo científico sério

quarta-feira, 8 de março de 2017

Pistas genéticas para a morte dos mamutes

Trabalhos de Scarfe para The Wall vão ser vendidos

Os trabalhos foram começados antes da gravação do álbum, foram usados ao vivo e alguns sobreviveram até ao filme (1982):

E mais um estudo do óbvio: melhorias no desempenho no trabalho

... Quando se está de "barriga cheia":

"They came to work happier and more fulfilled, immersed themselves more in the tasks they were given and enjoyed their job more as a result, said OSU’s College of Business professor Keith Leavitt.

He said: “We make jokes about people having a ‘spring in their step,’ but it turns out this is actually a real thing and we should pay attention to it."

Adultos estão a reduzir a sua "actividade" (RU)
"Adults are having sex less often than they were 20 years ago, according a US study based on a survey of almost 27,000 individuals.

Researchers have found that adults, on average, were having sex seven fewer times annually in the early 2010s compared to the early 1990s, and nine fewer times compared to the late 1990s.

The study follows research published by the same team last year which found that the percentage of adults aged between 20 and 24 who had had no sexual partner after the age of 18 had more than doubled between those born in the 1960s and the 1990s, rising from 6% to 15%."

terça-feira, 7 de março de 2017

Fósseis mais antigos da Terra?

"the world’s oldest fossils, dating back some 3.77 billion years (and possibly as far back as 4.28 billion years). The remarkable find, detailed yesterday in the journal Nature, is comprised of a series of microscopic filaments and tubes that researchers believe were formed by bacteria that thrived on iron. If proven true, the fossils would be the oldest direct link to life on Earth—but not everyone is on board with the stunning discovery."

Como é que os animais antecipam a altura de procriar?

R: Melatonina?

"A new study, conducted at the University of Bristol, has identified how animals measure annual time to control seasonal fertility.

In birds and mammals, this process of adaptation is mediated by the release of hormones from the pituitary gland that control multiple functions such as reproduction, the response to stress, and when the animals grow a new coat. The measurement of day length, however, and consequently time of year, is mediated by the hormone melatonin, which is released from the pineal gland during the night. Until now, how melatonin could signal to the pituitary was not understood and has been the subject of a 30-year quest."

segunda-feira, 6 de março de 2017

Casas impressas?

Parece que sim, com custos menores e tempos de construção imbatíveis:

NASA visita mais dois asteróides (missão planeada)

Eis o porquê?

sábado, 4 de março de 2017

Galáxia NGC 1055 e o ESO

Animais, pessoas e sentido de justiça

Até alguns animais têm sentido de justiça. O que me faz pensar no comentário Maurinho: Porque é que algumas pessoas não o têm?

"Humans beings appear to be hardwired to have a sense of fairness.

This is puzzling from an evolutionary perspective, which you would have thought would mean we were predisposed to seek advantage for ourselves and our families wherever possible.

But in fact a sense of fairness is important for humans to be able to help each other.

Human cooperation is based on reciprocal altruism – we help people because they've either helped us in the past or they may help us in the future.

This form of cooperation is only possible when individuals are able to keep track of other individuals' efforts and payoffs – and a sense of fairness helps with this."

Peixe sem olhos...

... e que dorme apenas 2h:

Ai o xixi na piscina!

Socorro! 75 litros dele em média:

Como testaram (citação):
"Scientists tested the sweetness of the water by testing for an artificial sweetener called acesulfame potassium (ACE).

By identifying a compound that was consistently present in urine the team could estimate how much urine was in the water sample.

The sweetener, which is often used in processed foods like sodas, baked goods is chemically stable so passes right through the digestive tract. 

The researchers tested more than 250 water samples from 31 actively used pools and hot tubs in two Canadian cities, and more than 90 samples of clean tap water used to initially fill the basins.

There was 570 times more ACE in pools and hot tubs than in tap water samples. "

Ai os Denisovanos e os chineses!

sexta-feira, 3 de março de 2017

quarta-feira, 1 de março de 2017

domingo, 26 de fevereiro de 2017

Fotografar o buraco negro no centro da Via Láctea

De forma indirecta vai ser tentado:

terça-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2017

Fractais e Inkblots...

"From bats to jack-o-lanterns, Rorschach’s inkblots brought out a vast array of image associations during their use, with up to 300 different images recorded for each of the 10 blots. The top image shows Rorschach's inkblot, while the bottom shows it with the fractal pattern removed"

Ratos à prova de coca?
“That plasticity allows for the pruning of some neural pathways and the formation of others, enabling the brain to adapt and to learn.
“Ideally, we would need to find a molecule that blocks formation of a memory of a drug-induced high, while not interfering with the ability to remember important things.”
Her colleague, graduate student Andrea Globa, added: “Through genetic engineering, we hard-wired in place the synapses in the reward circuits of these mice.
“By preventing the synapses from strengthening, we prevented the mutant mice from ‘learning’ the memory of cocaine, and thus prevented them from becoming addicted.”

Poluição do fundo do mar estudada (e perdura por décadas aparentemente)

(os estudos tipicamente analisam até 2000m, este não):


  • "POPs were released into the environment through industrial accidents and discharges, leakage from landfills, or incomplete incineration 7 . Two key POPs are polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs, used as dielectric fluid) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs, used as flame retardants). From the 1930s to when PCB production ceased in the 1970s, the total global production was ~1.3 million tonnes 8 . Approximately 65% is thought to be contained in landfills or still within electrical equipment, with the other 35% residing in coastal sediments and open oceans 9 . These pollutants are invulnerable to natural degradation 10 and so persist in the environment for decades. Moreover they can spread great distances, including to seemingly isolated environments, such as polar regions and the open ocean 3 .

Pollutants entering the deep sea are deposited in sediments and can readily accumulate in the food chain 11 . Studies on deep-sea organisms have reported higher concentrations than in nearby surface-water species 11,12 . However, although these studies are described as ‘deep sea’, they rarely extend beyond the continental shelf (<2,000 m), so contamination at greater distances from shore and at extreme depths is hitherto unknown."

Nova supernova detectada muito cedo...

O que permite recolher mais dados sobre o evento:

segunda-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2017

O que acontece quando aprendemos a tocar piano?

terça-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2017

Proteínas em cabelos podem ser usadas em investigações forenses

Num futuro próximo. As proteínas degradam-se menos que o ADN com o tempo:
"A breakthrough study has established that proteins found in human hair can work like fingerprints in the arena of crime investigation. This is because hair protein is unique to each individual and is more effective than traditional DNA profiling used in forensic analysis of human remains.
The new study beats the limitations posed by the conventional DNA profiling used by forensic scientists. It asserts that proteins are more stable and can offer accurate identification of human remains.
Details of the protein-centric hair analysis technique were published in PLOS ONE. According to lead author Brad Hart, a forensic scientist at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), the protein analysis will be a "game changer""

quarta-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2017

O nosso antepassado comum?

Tanta coisa e afinal o nosso antepassado comum media menos de 1mm e era um emoticon:
"Meet Saccorhytus coronaries, the species that scientists in a new study believe is the earliest known step on the evolutionary path that led to fish and—eventually—to humans.

An international team of scientists uncovered the microfossils of the speck-size creature they are calling Saccorhytus coronaries in Shaanxi Province, central China. According to their findings, published this week in the journal Nature, Saccorhytus lived 540 million years ago, during the early Cambrian period, when a shallow ocean would have covered the region where it was found. At that advanced age, it is believed to be the oldest known member of a category of animals known as “deuterostomes,” which are common ancestors to a wide range of other species, from starfish, sea urchins and acorn worms to the large group classified as vertebrates (backboned animals)."

segunda-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2017

Quem diz mais asneiredo é mais honesto?

Quem diz mais asneiredo é mais honesto? Não necessariamente:
""Honesty in our article is mainly about the authentic genuine expression of the self in interactions with others,” Feldman told Mashable. “We did not measure blunt unethical or immoral behavior, and therefore cautioned in the article that the findings should not be interpreted to mean that the more a person uses profanity the less likely he or she will engage in more serious unethical or immoral behaviors.” 
In other words, this doesn't mean that people who swear more are somehow better people than those who don't. This study simply suggests that people who swear more demonstrate more honest language patterns and are less likely to pad their speech with lies or misleading information. "

Esquecer o andar de bicicleta

Afinal o "é como andar de bicicleta" (não se esquece) não é válido:

domingo, 22 de janeiro de 2017

Abstinência aumenta longevidade?

Nas freiras sim, em algumas espécies também:
"Even though the study is yet to be tested on humans, leader of research Dr Michael-Silva believes the same principle can be applied.
He explained: “Nuns tend to have a longer lifespan than women with children and most people know of someone with a maiden aunt who seems to live forever.
“The question is, why? The beetles which mate die sooner than the beetles which don’t mate.”
Not only is the immune system believed to weaken during sex, there is the added risk of contracting an STI."

sábado, 21 de janeiro de 2017


Alternativa ao Nutella (Irlanda)

Aproveitando a oportunidade, empresa na Irlanda tem alternativa que não usa óleo de palma:

"The Wyldsson product still contains 82kcal per 15g serving so while it is still suggested to be enjoyed in moderation, the hazelnut and cocoa spread contains much less refined sugar than its supermarket alternatives, and is sweetened using dates. Its list of ingredients is much shorter than Nutella’s and the product contains hazelnuts, dates, sunflower seeds, cashew nuts and Peruvian cocoa."

Livro recomenda saltar o pequeno-almoço?

Ou ter cuidado com o que se come nele:
"Fast forward to this century, and cabbage soup diets are still used by those in search of the holy grail of weight loss -although, in terms of popularity, they've been supplanted by Dukan, South Beach, the 5:2, Paleo, alkaline and blood type diets, to name a few.(...)
If you absolutely can't survive without your morning meal, Professor Kealey says the ideal breakfast would probably be a boiled egg, followed by strawberries and cream, strawberries having a lower glycaemic index than other foods.
Dietitian Sarah Keogh has a trinity of foods she thinks should make up a healthy breakfast. "It's very good to get the wholegrain in, because we know that it helps reduce heart disease and they have antioxidants and B vitamins.
"Secondly, I would always look to get some sort of fruit or vegetable in there, something as simple as a banana or a few berries. And then some protein - nut butters like peanut or almond are fantastic and some people like an egg in a morning. Seeds are also brilliant, such as a couple of teaspoons of sunflower seeds into your porridge.""

Chegada do homem à Austrália provocou extinção de espécies de maior porte

"From 25-foot-long lizards to 2-ton wombats, more than 85% of Australia's large wildlife died out 45,000 years ago - and humans were to blame "
But researchers have found that shortly after humans arrived in Australia, more than 85 per cent of these 'megafauna' species went extinct.
The researchers suggest that humans may have hunted these animals to extinction - and even if humans killed one mammal per person per decade - it could have caused the extinction of a species in just a few hundred years.

A group of Australian megafauna species during the pleistocene era, drawn by Peter Trusler, an Australian palaeoaritst based at Monach University, Australia.

"According to the researchers, some of the megafauna that roamed Australia 50,000 years ago included 1,000 pound kangaroos, 2-ton wombats, 25-foot-long lizards, 400-pound flightless birds, 300-pound marsupial lions and Volkswagen-sized tortoises.
They used the sediment cores to help reconstruct what the climate and ecosystems were like in Australia at the time.
The sediment core is a type of time record of our planet - it contains chronological layers of sediment blown off from earth and into the ocean.

Around 45,000 years ago, huge 'megafauna' species roamed around Australia.
But researchers have found that shortly after humans arrived in Australia, more than 85 per cent of these megafauna went extinct.
Some of these animals included:
•1,000 pound kangaroos.
•2-ton wombats.
•25-foot-long lizards.
•400-pound flightless birds.
•300-pound marsupial lion.
•Volkswagen-sized tortoises"

quarta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2017

Primeiros meses importantes para desenvolvimento linguístico
"The study is the first to show that the early experience of adopted children in their birth language gives them an advantage decades later even if they think it is forgotten, she said.
''This finding indicates that useful language knowledge is laid down in [the] very early months of life, which can be retained without further input of the language and revealed via re-learning,'' she told BBC News.
In the study, adults aged about 30 who had been adopted as babies by Dutch-speaking families were asked to pronounce Korean consonants after a short training course.
Korean consonants are unlike those spoken in Dutch."

sábado, 14 de janeiro de 2017

A conversa das árvores?

Fóssil reavivado por... chuva?

Rendimento Universal na UE?

Alguns usos da optogenética
"You start by genetically engineering mice to express an enzyme called Cre—only in the neurons that you want to study. Then you inject a virus into their brains that contains a light-sensitive protein, which can only be incorporated into the neurons that have the Cre enzyme. You end up with a very specific set of neurons that are activated when you insert a fiber optic light into the mouse’s brain. And if those neurons happen to control a physical process, like hunting or biting, the result looks a lot like mind control. You can use optogenetics to do other things, like implant false memories into a mouse’s brain or selectively erase them. It’s experiments like these that made optogenetics one of the breakthroughs of the decade in *Science * magazine."

sexta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2017

Zombies podem não estar tão longe como isso (investigação em ratos)

Com tanta coisa boa para investigar olhem só o que foi agora descoberto ao nível do cérebro
"The researchers used optogenetics, a means of engineering specific neurons to fire upon light stimulation, to isolate and selectively activate each set of neurons. When the laser is off, the animals behave normally. But turn the laser on, and the mice take on qualities of "walkers" from The Walking Dead, pursuing and biting almost anything in their path, including bottle caps and wood sticks. "We'd turn the laser on and they'd jump on an object, hold it with their paws and intensively bite it as if they were trying to capture and kill it," says lead investigator Ivan de Araujo (...)"

segunda-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2017

Lua pode ter sido formada por vários impactos (simulação)

"Moon may have formed from flurry of impacts on the ancient Earth.

New computer simulations counter widely-held belief that moon was formed from a single massive collision."


Asteróide similar ao de Chelyabinsk (2013) rasa a terra
"An asteroid as big as a 10-story building has passed by Earth at a distance half that of the Moon, researchers have revealed.
The asteroid, dubbed 2017 AG13, was only spotted only Saturday by the University of Arizona's Catalina Sky Survey.
It is between 50 and 111 feet (15 to 34 meters) long, and when it passed by Earth, 2017 AG3 was moving at 9.9 miles per second (16 kilometers per second). "

Larsen C quase quase...

Já houve o Larsen A, o B e agora é o C:

quinta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2017

Fonte de sinais de rádio descoberta (FRB)

Mais um FRB (radio bursts) detectado, e atribuído a uma galáxia que está... Longinho:

"The first FRB was discovered in 2007, in archived data from the Parkes Radio Telescope in Australia. Astronomers were searching for new examples of magnetised neutron stars called pulsars, but found a new phenomenon - a radio burst from 2001. Since then, 18 FRBs - also referred to as "flashes" or "sizzles" - have been found in total."
"Unlike all the others, this FRB - discovered in 2012 - has recurred several times.
"When we reported last year that one of these objects was repeating, that - in one go - knocked out about half of those models, because for this one source, at least, we knew it couldn't be explosive. It had to be something where the engine that produced this survived for the next flash."
In 83 hours of observing time over six months in 2016, the VLA detected nine bursts from FRB 121102."

Galáxia de ripo raro (Hoag's Object)
"A rarer-than-rare galaxy 359 million light years away from Earth has been spotted by physicists.
Designated PGC 1000714 [paywalled], the galaxy is a ring-shape system orbiting a cooler centre without any connection between the two – a formation referred to as Hoag's Object.